Building Public Health Disaster Research Capacity

Conducting research in the context of disasters is imperative to understand disaster health and wellbeing impacts, as well as the effectiveness of response and recovery strategies. CEER works to improve capacity for co-production of research to understand and mitigate health impacts experienced in the context of a disaster.

Disaster Research Response Workshop:

The Disaster Research Response (DR2) Training Workshop will focus on the process for conducting research in the immediate aftermath of a Cascadia earthquake scenario. Interdisciplinary research infrastructure will be put to the test to improve preparedness to conduct rapid environmental and health-related research that concurrently advances science and is responsive to community information needs. Event participants will include local, state, and federal officials, as well as representatives from Tribes, academia, the private sector, and community-based organizations.


Disaster Research Training Landscape Assessment:

We are conducting an assessment of disaster-focused graduate-level curricular offerings by schools and programs of public health across the United States. The goal of this project is to understand the type and extent of training available on disaster preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery available to the next generation of the public health workforce, and to identify gaps and opportunities for curriculum development.


Public Health Earthquake Reconnaissance Tool:

In collaboration with the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute’s Public Health Workgroup, chaired by Dr. Errett, CEER investigators are developing a tool to collect information about public health and healthcare impacts following a major earthquake. The tool is designed to be used by non-health scientists, including engineers, to collect standardized, preliminary information about public health and healthcare impacts following a major earthquake to inform the need for more in-depth investigations.


Related Publications:

  • Errett NA, Haynes E, Wyland N, Everhart A, Pendergrast C, Parker EA. Assessing the National Capacity for Disaster Research Response within the NIEHS Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers. Environ Health. 2019 Jul 4;18(1):61. doi: 10.1186/s12940-019-0498-y.
  • Everhart A, Patel R, Errett NA. Engaging Local Health Departments in Disaster Research: A Washington State Survey. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2019 Jul 4:1-5. doi: 10.1017/dmp.2019.41. [Epub ahead of print]