A System for the 21st Century
Using a video exposure monitoring (VEM) system as described on this site, may allow you to visualize worker exposures in a video of them conducting their tasks. See The images below show examples using two different software packages.
We have developed a manual and demonstration files (data, video, project, and template files) to help you develop your own VEM system. It should be noted that the data in the demo files are the same for the different software programs, but may have been formatted differently to suit the needs of that program. The demo video file is the same for all programs. In addition, Read Me files have been added to help you place files in the appropriate locations.
This project was a collaborative effort between the SAIF Corporation and the UW’s Field Research and Consultation Group.
- Manual for the development of a video exposure monitoring system using NIOSH EVADE, RaceRender or DashWare.

- Files contained in zip file:
- Data: DemoDateEVADE.csv
- Video: DemoVideo.mp4
- Project: EVADE_Demo.dcf2
- Read Me file: README.txt
RaceRender Files

- Files contained in zip file:
- Data:DemoDataRR.csv
- Video:DemoVideo.mp4
- Templates:Data – Exposures_Conc.rrt and Data – Exposures_Noise.rrt
- Project:RR_Conc_Demo.rrp and RR_Noise_Demo.rrp
- Read Me file:README.txt
DashWare (a legacy program that is no longer supported by its developer – very powerful, but more difficult to use)
- Files contained in zip file:
- Data: DemoDataDash.csv
- Video: DemoVideo.mp4
- Templates folder: DemoProject_Template [For Templates]
- Project folder: DemoProject2 [For DashWare Projects]
- Gauges folders: Exposure - Horizontal [For Gauges], Exposure - Noise - Horizontal [For Gauges], Exposure - Noise - Vertical [For Gauges], and Exposure - Vertical [For Gauges]
- Profile: DemoProfile [For DataProfiles].xml
- Read Me file: README.txt
Other Examples of the Use of VEM
- The Importance of a fit tested and properly adjusted respirator; (The overlay software used for this video, NIOSH VEM, is no longer compatible with current computer operating systems)
- Hexavalent Chromium Exposure Control (HexChEC) [Module 3]; (The overlay software used for this video, NIOSH VEM, is no longer compatible with current computer operating systems)