Trainees must complete all degree requirements mandated by their home departments. In addition, they are expected to participate in the following research and programmatic activities:
Seminars: All participating departments have weekly seminar series covering a variety of topics, both theoretical and applied, some of which are sponsored by BEBTEH. Trainees are strongly encouraged to attend all BEBTEH-sponsored seminars.
Working Groups and Journal Clubs: Trainees will be expected to participate in at least one working group or journal club during each year of their training. Examples of such groups include the biweekly Air Pollution and Epidemiology working group and the Statistical Genetics journal club.
Symposia: The Department of Biostatistics holds an annual Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics. Most of the material covered in these three-day workshops is available in regular courses at UW, however trainees may attend some workshops to gain background or supplement their UW coursework. Pre-doctoral trainees may find the Institute of value in the summer before they begin their regular coursework. All trainees will be encouraged to attend the Institute’s one-day Seattle Showcase Symposium in Statistical Genetics.
Additional Didactic Sessions: All trainees will be trained in responsible conduct of research. Potential courses include: Research in Biostatistics, Project Management, and Ethics in Biostatistical Practice.
Detailed information about the program requirements is available in the BEBTEH Trainees Guidelines.