Jerry Cangelosi
Lab Director
Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Departments of Global Health and Epidemiology
Jerry Cangelosi is a Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, and Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology and Global Health. His research activities in the academic, for-profit, and not-for-profit sectors have generated 10 patents and over 75 publications on tuberculosis and related diseases, food- and water-borne pathogens, respiratory diseases including COVID-19, and healthcare-associated infections. These activities share a strong emphasis on translation and global health impact.
DEOHS Bio | Global Health Bio | Epidemiology Bio

Kris Weigel
Research Scientist/Engineer 3
Kris Weigel is the lead Research Scientist and Lab Manager in both the Cangelosi and Cui labs. In the Cangelosi lab, he is primarily working to develop and improve methods for 1) the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and SARS-CoV-2 using oral swabs and 2) pre-rRNA based assays, including molecular viability testing (MVT), to characterize the physiological status and viability of bacterial pathogens. Kris has been in Jerry’s lab professionally for 15 years, or 18 years including his time as an undergraduate intern.

Rachel Wood
Research Scientist
I am a Research Scientist in the Cangelosi lab and I focus primarily on oral swab analysis. I started working on this project as my Master's thesis in DEOHS at the UW.

Renée Codsi
Graduate Research Assistant
Ms. Codsi is a research assistant with the University of Washington, Cangelosi research team, the Center for One Health Research and the Collaborative on Extreme Event Resilience. Her research background is in vector borne diseases. Ms. Codsi is the lead on the field studies in South Africa and Uganda investigating user acceptance for the OSA sampling method. She creates education tools related to training programs focused on infectious diseases. She investigates and creates programs to prevent occupational exposure of pathogens for health care workers and communities of high risk. Renée is working with development, implementation and evaluation of technologies for TB and Covid-19 respiratory disease diagnostics. She is a cultural translator and science communication specialist.

Alaina M. Olson
Research Scientist 1
Alaina entered the lab as an undergraduate studying biology in 2016, joining staff in 2017. Her curiosity of infectious disease has grown with each progression in her involvement and investment in the Cangelosi mission. She enjoys her days: in the wet lab jumping between projects, executing experiments, often processing clinical research samples; in the office analyzing data, and preparing manuscripts; and, participating in out of state (and recently, international) conferences! Alaina looks forward to continuing her priceless training under Kris and Rachel, with mentorship and support from Jerry.

Katherine Lochner
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Katherine Lochner is a undergraduate research assistant in the Cangelosi Lab and is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Public Health at the University of Washington. Katherine began working with the Cangelosi Lab in the summer of 2021 doing field research with Renée Codsi, and is now transitioning to more lab-based research, mentored by Rachel Wood. Katherine is focusing on optimizing methods for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) DNA elution, extraction, and concentration from foam swabs collected from TB patients in South Africa.