About us

The University of Washington Center for Environmental Health Equity (UW CEHE) is a Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC) serving community-based organizations and Tribes in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington state. We work with groups to build capacity to address environmental justice issues in their communities and to effectively access environmental and energy justice funding to support that work. 

Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers 

We are a part of a national network of TCTACS — one of two TCTACS serving our region, which includes Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.  

Learn more about TCTACs  

Who we serve 

We work with Tribes and community-based organizations that have deep relationships and roots in frontline communities, or those who experience the “first and worst” impacts of climate change and environmental pollution. Tribal and community leaders bring unique experience and perspective in developing solutions.  

We prioritize working with tribal communities, communities of Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC), communities that are low-income, rural communities, immigrant and refugee communities, LGBTQ+ communities, communities of people with disabilities, and others who experience systemic inequities in exposure to environmental hazards and access to resources.  

What we do 

UW CEHE provides many types of technical assistance, including planning support, data synthesis, and funding and proposal development. 

Learn more about our technical assistance


Funding for UW CEHE is provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency in partnership with the US Department of Energy.