
These resources are designed and selected to help support your community and environmental health projects. We are continually updating this list, so check back often. 

If you have questions about any of these resources or are seeking one that isn’t included, please let us know by completing this technical assistance request form, emailing us at, or calling us at 206-543-0608. 

Our resources


Data Webinar Series

Community Mapping Using EPA's EJScreen (EPA EJScreen Demo) (See Mapping resources below if you are having difficulty accessing EPA's EJScreen Tool)


Tribal Communities Webinar Series

The Intersection of Tribal Sovereignty, Offshore Wind, and Renewable Energy

Tyonek's Solar Journey: Developing a Solar and Battery Microgrid in Rural Alaska

Sustainable Energy Solutions: An Overview of the Qualco Anaerobic Digester and Tulalip Microgrid Initiatives

Developing Sustainable Indigenous and Researcher Collaborations to Address Climate-Migration and Cultural Impacts of Environmental Changes


Documents and other media

Rooting in Values: Communicating Your Organization’s Mission and Vision 

This four-page visual resource shares an overview of how your organizational vision, mission and values can inform action plans for a project. This resource also shares sample language and examples to communicate how a project connects to your organization’s mission and vision in grant applications. 

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Template for Reviewing Funding Opportunities 

This two-page fillable template is designed to help you screen potential funding opportunities to see if they’re a fit for your organization and project. The template guides you through important information to take away from funding announcements and questions you should answer before deciding to apply for a grant. 

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Ideas to Action Workbook

This workbook provides support in building an outline for community and environmental health projects, or to move from ideas to action. This resource provides a series of exercises and activities to help you think through what this project could look like and how to communicate it to an outside audience.

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Fiscal Sponsorship: A Guide for Grassroots Groups

This guide gives an overview of fiscal sponsorship, a formal partnership between a nonprofit organization and a grassroots group or project that provides support to groups that may not have formal nonprofit status.

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Keeping Your Family Safe: Lead in Aviation Fuel Factsheet

This one-page factsheet provides an overview of the health impacts of leaded aviation fuel for children and where to learn more about this topic. This resource also shares some "fast facts" about leaded aviation fuel in Washington State and King County.

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Air Quality and Wildfire Smoke Factsheets

These one-page factsheets on accessing air quality information and information on reducing the impact of wildfire smoke were developed for a community event in the Yakima Valley. 

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Demonstration of DIY Box Fan Filter

This demonstration video was developed for a community event to show the impact of a DIY box fan filter on indoor particulate air quality levels.

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Developing a StoryMap for your Community 

A StoryMap is a website that allows you to tell a story about your communty using multple forms of media, including maps. This interactive resource developed by CEHE illustrates the features available with a free account on, which you can use to develop a StoryMap for your community.

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Other resources 


Mapping resources 

EPA Inflation Reduction Act Disadvantaged Communities Map [ link ]

EPA EJScreen [ link ]  If you have difficulty accessing EPA's EJScreen Tool, a non-official clone of the EPA tool may be found here:  UW CEHE has also saved the official EPA EJScreen data. Contact us if you need assistance.

Washington Environmental Health Disparities Map [ link


Capacity building and grant writing resources 

Community Toolbox [ link

Training Resources for the Environmental Community [ link ]

Nonprofit Association of Washington [ link ]

501 Commons [ link ]


Funding databases 

EPA Clearinghouse for Environmental Finance [ link ]

America’s Federal Funding Opportunities and Resources for Decarbonization (AFFORD) [ link ]

Alaska Federal Funding [ link ]