Several grant opportunities will be available through this EPA program in the upcoming months, some through a regional grantmaker and some through a national grantmaker.
The Environmental Protection Agency has selected Philanthropy Northwest as the Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington) Grantmaker for its Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program.
Philanthropy Northwest is now accepting applications for its Type 3 program award level. Type 3 is for project development with a 2-year project period and a grant amount of up to $350,000. This opportunity is available for entities that already have a strong understanding of their local environmental and/or public health issues, have the required scientifically based results and/or evaluation completed, have already formulated a community-wide plan addressing those issues, and/or are now ready to implement the project on the ground. Applications for Type 3 will be accepted on a rolling basis through Feb 2025.
Philanthropy Northwest has also announced their application deadlines for Type 1 (assessment projects) and Type 2 (planning projects) grants, as well as their second round of Type 3 grants. The first round of Type 1 and 2 applications and the second round of Type 3 applications are due by Feb. 28, 2025.
Sign up to receive updates on Philanthropy NW’s Thriving Communities Program here.
To learn more about these opportunities and Philanthropy Northwest’s Thriving Communities Program visit their website: Philanthropy Northwest & the EPA Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program | Philanthropy Northwest
The UW Center for Environmental Health Equity (UW CEHE) is an EPA and DOE-funded Environmental Justice Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC). As an alternative to directly reaching out to Philanthropy NW’s Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program with your questions and technical assistance (TA) requests, UW CEHE may be able to help.
For Type 1, 2 and 3 Grant Applications that are due on Feb. 28, 2025: To leave time for us to respond, please request TA from UW CEHE before Feb 7, 2025.
Groups that meet all the following conditions are welcome to contact us for Type 3 grant TA:
- UW CEHE prioritizes TA for Tribes and grassroots community-based organizations
- Based in EPA Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA states)
The scope of the Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program's projects is broad, and we may not be able to provide assistance for some topics that fall outside of the technical assistance expertise of UW CEHE. UW CEHE may be able to provide the following types of technical assistance:
Questions about eligibility, specific sections of the NOFO.
Pre-review of draft proposals.
Depending on the volume of TA requests we receive and the complexity of the requests, it may take different amounts of time to get back to you with a response. In the case of simpler questions, we anticipate getting back to you within a few days.
In the case of more complex TA requests, such as providing a pre-review of a draft proposal, it generally takes at least a week for us to conduct a review. We encourage you to reach out to us well in advance to see if we still have availability to review your proposal. We use the Grantmaking Program's scoring criteria when we conduct our reviews. If we are not available to assist you with a pre-review, we encourage you to attempt to self-review your own proposal using the publicly available Grantmaking scoring criteria.
To request CCG TA from UW CEHE, please complete our intake form, and mention your interest in CCG.
>>> UW CEHE Intake Form <<<
For Round 2:
- Febrary 7, 2025 - Last day to request TA from UW CEHE for Philanthropy NW's Type, 1, 2, and 3 Grantmaking Program application
- Feburary 28, 2025 - Deadline for Philanthropy NW's Type 1, 2, and 3 Grantmaking Program application
NEW! UW CEHE Thriving Communities Philanthropy Northwest Thriving Communities Grant Application Checklist (here)
Philanthropy Northwest's Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (here)
Philanthropy Northwest's Recorded Webinars about the Grantmaking Program (here)
CEHE's Rooting in Values: Communicating Your Organization’s Mission and Vision -- a 4-page visual resource on how to link your organizational vision, mission and values to your action plans for a project (download)
CEHE's Ideas to Action Workbook -- a series of activities to help you think through an environmental justice project for your community (download)
CEHE's Community Mapping Using EPA's EJScreen Webinar Presentation (here)
- CEHE's EPA EJScreen Demo (here)
If you have having difficulty accessing EPA's EJScreen Tool, a non-official clone of the EPA tool may be found here:
UW CEHE has also saved the official EPA EJScreen data. Contact us if you need assistance.
A consortium of partners led by Climate Justice Alliance was selected by the Environmental Protection Agency to be one of the National Grantmaker for Region’s 8, 9 and 10 that include Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington and 447 federally recognized Tribes. The national Thriving Communities Grantmaker Program will be similar in scope to the Regional program. Visit the UNITE-EJ website for updates on their Grantmakers Program.