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Air Pollution and Your Heart. Air pollution is considered a significant risk factor for developing heart disease, the #1 cause of death in the United States (CDC). There’s also evidence that high air pollution can trigger cardiac events like strokes and heart attacks. In the podcast, “Air Pollution and Your Heart,” physician and epidemiologist Joel Kaufman, MD, of University of Washington, discusses the latest research and how you can reduce your risk.

News Releases

Study shows how air pollution fosters heart disease

Study identifies mechanism that links air pollution to heart disease

EPA’s MESA Air study confirms that air pollution contributes to the #1 cause of death in the U.S.

Ample research shows bad air can hurt you — and not just your lungs

UW Center for Clean Air Research: Studying Roadway Pollution

Women living in polluted areas at higher risk for cardiovascular disease

Media Coverage

UW-led study pinpoints how air pollution harms your heart

Dr. Joel Kaufman on pollution and heart attacks

Scientists just discovered exactly what air pollution does to your arteries

What runners and cyclists need to know about our air pollution

UW gets huge grant to examine possible heart disease and pollution link