Summary of Teratology Studies:
A characteristic pattern of congenital anomalies has been observed in children whose mothers were treated orally with therapeutic doses of isotretinoin during early pregnancy (Anonymous, 1983, 1984; Lammer et al., 1985; Rosa et al., 1986; Coberly et al., 1996). Typical features of this isotretinoin embryopathy include central nervous system malformations, microtia/anotia, micrognathia, cleft palate, cardiac and great vessel defects, thymic abnormalities, and eye anomalies. Limb reduction defects and facial asymmetry with midfacial hypoplasia may also occur (Rizzo et al., 1991; Sarici et al., 2013). Typical malformations have occurred in children born to women who took various dosages of isotretinoin within the usual therapeutic range and in women who were treated for less than one week in the first trimester of pregnancy (Chen et al., 1990; Dai et al., 1992).
In a seminal case series, a high risk of selected major malformations was identified among infants of women using isotretinoin during pregnancy (relative risk=25.6, 95% confidence interval 11.4-57.5) (Lammer et al., 1985). At least one major congenital anomaly was reported in 26 (28%) of 94 liveborn infants of women treated with isotretinoin, most during the first trimester, in a separate study using cases voluntarily reported to the manufacturer (Dai et al., 1992). The rate of major malformations was 9.3% (11/118) among infants born to women who received a prescription for isotretinoin during pregnancy in a Canadian retrospective cohort study (Henry et al., 2016). In multiple clinical series, the typical features of embryopathy were observed in a total of seven (17%) of 42 infants and fetuses of women treated with isotretinoin early in pregnancy (Bensouda-Grimaldi et al., 2005; Robertson et al., 2005; Garcia-Bournissen et al., 2008). When maternal treatment continues beyond the fifteenth day after conception, isotretinoin has an estimated 35% risk of producing congenital anomalies in prenatally-exposed infants (Jones et al., 2022). Major congenital anomalies were reported in 59 (15%, 95% confidence interval 9.0-23.0) of 380 infants of women exposed to isotretinoin during the peri-conception period or pregnancy in a meta-analysis that included controlled and uncontrolled cohort and population-based studies (Choi et al., 2021).
The frequency of congenital anomalies does not appear to be increased among the children of women who discontinue isotretinoin therapy prior to conception in several studies (Dai et al., 1989; Kallen, 1999; Schaefer et al., 2010; Zomerdijk et al., 2014; Altintas Aykan & Ergun, 2020). This finding is consistent with the 10- to 12-hour average serum half-life of isotretinoin in humans (Wiegand & Chou, 1998). However, two case reports have described malformations consistent with isotretinoin embryopathy in infants of women who self-reported discontinuation of treatment before conception (Lee et al., 2009; Shirazi et al., 2012). Ultrasound exams performed at 20 weeks gestation found major congenital anomalies in two (8.7%) of 23 fetuses of women who used isotretinoin around the time of conception, but this frequency did not differ from that seen among untreated women in a Korean prospective cohort study (Cha et al., 2022).
The risk of spontaneous abortion was approximately two times higher in women treated with isotretinoin during pregnancy when compared to unexposed women in a prospective cohort study (17.7% vs 8.7%, respectively, p=0.035) (Cha et al., 2022). In two case series, the rate of spontaneous abortion was 21.4% in 79 pregnant women who used isotretinoin within a month before conception or during pregnancy (Yook et al., 2012) and 18% in 115 isotretinoin-exposed pregnancies that were voluntarily reported to the manufacturer (Dai et al., 1992).
In a follow-up study of 31 five-year-old children born to women who had been treated with isotretinoin during the first 60 days after conception, 47% performed in the subnormal range on standard intelligence tests (Adams, 1990; Adams et al., 1991; Adams & Lammer, 1991, 1993; Adams, 2010). Of 12 children who had major malformations, six (including four with major central nervous system anomalies) had IQ <70, four (including one with major central nervous system anomalies) had IQ 70-85, and two had IQ >85. Six of 19 children with no major malformations had IQ 70-85; the others had IQ >85.
Treatment of laboratory animals with isotretinoin during embryogenesis produces a spectrum of malformations in the offspring similar to that seen in humans. Humans are more sensitive to these teratogenic effects than other species that have been tested (Nau, 2001), but similar malformations have been observed among the offspring of pregnant monkeys, rabbits, hamsters, mice, or rats given isotretinoin in doses several to many times greater than the human therapeutic dose (Hendrickx et al., 2000; Nau, 2001; Makori et al., 2002). A typical dose-response relationship has been demonstrated in hamsters, rabbits, and mice, and characteristic dependence on stage of embryogenesis has been shown in mice.
Selected References:
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