Etiquetas bilingües de pesticidas™ / Bilingual Pesticide Safety™ Project

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Pablo Palmández (hablo español)


“There are a lot of people who don’t understand labels and it’s the law that we understand them.”

- Pesticide Applicator

The Solution

Apps for phones and tablets containing that contain the health, safety, and environmental protection information from pesticide labels in English and true accessible Spanish translations.  These risk management tools feature

  • Anytime, Anywhere, access. No connectivity needed.* (Online)
  • A user-friendly interface and easy navigation. 
  • The HS&E protection information in Spanish and English. (Offline)
  • Direct access to pesticide labels approved for use in Washington.* (Online)
  • Links to pesticide safety and WPS resources in Spanish and English. (Online) 

*The search accesses the labels from the Pesticide Information Center Online (PICOL) website at Washington State University.

The Products

The apps developed by this project are for information purposes only. When there is a difference between the app contents and the pesticide product label, the product label prevails. The label that comes with the pesticide product is the legal document.  These apps are NOT a substitute for obtaining and reading the pesticide product label. The label is the law.

“We need pesticide safety information from the label in Spanish. I am bilingual but, the English is technical and I don’t understand it. How can I explain it to my workers?”

- Orchard Manager



Errors in pesticide handling increase the risk of pesticide exposures and illnesses. Errors also cost farm operators time and money. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules for the safe handling of agricultural pesticide products are in English. However, Spanish is the primary language of the vast majority US agricultural workers.

Our goal is to provide an effective risk management tool to replace the status quo, on-the-spot translations by farm managers and coworkers. Unfortunately, this approach can result in translations that may be inaccurate or unavailable when needed. With the app in their pocket workers and managers can access the information they need to comply with the EPA requirements and safely perform their pesticide handling tasks.


Pablo Palmández (hablo español)


A special thank you to the pesticide handlers, orchard managers, and the project champions from across the agricultural industry and communities for your ongoing support, encouragement, ideas, and critical feedback. Together we are reaching our goal. 


Thank you to our collaborators, including: farmworkers, managers, growers, producers, chemical dealers, agricultural organizations and agencies from across Washington and the United States.


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