UW SRP helps host the 2021 Northwest Toxic Communities Coalition Summit

Title slide from the NWTCC Summit

The 2021 Northwest Toxic Communities Coalition Summit highlighted research on chemical mixtures and declining reproductive health.

UW SRP co-hosted the 12th annual Summit of the Northwest Toxic Communities Coalition (NWTCC) in May. NWTCC is a long-standing community partner of the UW SRP. The organization works to empower communities impacted by toxic waste by sharing resources, information and support for cleanup efforts throughout the northwest states (EPA’s Region 10).

The theme of the 2021 Summit was “Chemical Mixtures” and included presentations by Oregon State University SRP researchers Dr. Diana Rohlman and doctoral student Brianna Rivera on cPAH mixtures; EPA’s Annie Jarabek on new strategies for assessing risk from chemical mixtures; Dr. David Carpenter, former director of the SUNY Albany SRP, on the cumulative health impacts of multiple chemical exposures; and Dr. Shanna Swan of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt Sinai talking about her recent book Count Down and evidence of declining reproductive health linked to chemical exposures in the U.S. and around the globe.


Watch a recording of the summit here