Dr. Rebecca Neumann presents at American Geophysical Union meeting

Dr. Neumann points at a laptop with graduate student, Samantha Fung, on a boat in a lake field site.

Dr. Rebecca Neuman (left) co-authored eight posters and talks for the 2019 fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union 

At the 2019 fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Dr. Rebecca Neuman was a co-author on seven posters and talks on topics ranging from the effect of climate change on food quality to the degradation of south-central Alaska's permafrost plateau. She herself gave a talk on research from UW SRP project 4 showing that shallow lakes are uniquely vulnerable to contamination from arsenic. The title of her talk was "Legacy arsenic contamination in urban lakes: the unique vulnerability of shallow weakly stratified lakes." Co-authors included UW SRP co-principal investigator, Dr. James Gawel, and UW SRP trainee, Samantha Fung.  She also chaired a session titled "Understanding the Interactions Between Hydrological and Biogeochemical Dynamics in Permafrost Environments with Observations and Models." The meeting was held December 9-13 in San Francisco, CA and is the largest international Earth and space science meeting in the world.

A full list of the presentations that Neumann co-authored is available here. Titles include:

Beyond the “lollipop” – roots as dynamic participants in root-microbe-mineral interactions

Between States: The Microbial Ecology of Biogeochemical Processes Near the Freezing Point

Relationship of mercury methylation and demethylation potential rates to methylmercury concentrations in vegetated and unvegetated rice paddy soil

Improved Simulation of Cold-season Methane Emissions over Alaska’s Permafrost with the E3SM Land Model (ELM)

Thaw dynamics of a rapidly degrading isolated permafrost plateau in south-central Alaska

Where’s the Paddy Now? Examining the Effect of Dams in Dry Season Rice Production in Tonle Sap Lake

Climate Change and Food Quality: Altered Arsenic Availability and Uptake in Rice Under a Hotter Future