
Companion Animals and Zoonosis: A Guide for Physicians

Physicians play a key role in zoonotic disease detection and prevention. When patients mention their contact with pets or wild animals it is important for health workers to follow up with questions that assess exposures and potential risks of zoonotic diseases. The CDC's National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases has published an informative guideline for physicians to assist them in reviewing and acting upon potential zoonotic issues for patients. 

"Contagion" and Emerging Infectious Diseases from an Occupational and Environmental Medicine Perspective

The past two decades have seen some remarkable emergence of new and deadly pathogens, from SARS to avian influenza H5N1 and the novel 2009 H1N1 influenza strain. It is often pointed out that a majority of recent emerging infections are “zoonotic” (transmitted from animals to people) in origin.