Zoonotic Disease Clinic

Zoonotic disease evaluations

Conducted at the University of Washington Medical Center’s Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine Clinic.


For appointments, please call 206-598-4615.

The UW Zoonotic Disease clinic is a program of the UW Medical Center’s Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine Clinic. At the clinic, patients receive specialized evaluations regarding exposure or infection with zoonotic diseases, including:

  • Pet-related infections, such as Bartonella, roundworm, toxoplasmosis and Brucella canis.
  • Infections related to contact with livestock, including Q fever, campylobacterosis and brucellosis.
  • Infections related to other work with animals, including psittacosis/ornithosis and salmonellosis.
  • Infections related to travel contact with animals.
  • Vector-borne zoonotic infections, including Lyme disease and Bartonella infection.