
Our goal is to link research activities with practice in the workplace by serving safety professionals, medical care providers, agricultural producers, workers, and their families. Use this tool to explore videos, stories, training guides, infographics, fact sheets, and other resources.

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girl wearing mask

Help Us Protect Ourselves from the Coronavirus

This is a poster that summarizes information about how to use our masks to protect ourselves and others from COVID-19. 


heat mask

Consejos Para Usar Mascarilla En El Calor

Esta es una hoja de datos visual que brinda consejos para manipular las mascarillas en los días calurosos.


woman cleaning hands

Como Lavar Su Mascarilla De Tela

Esta es una guía visual que nos enseña cómo lavar nuestras máscaras de tela.

man with mask

¿Cuándo Debo Usar Una Mascarilla De Tela O Cubreboca?

Este es un póster visual de una página que brinda estrategias para detener la propagación de COVID-19.

cloth mask

¡Ayúdanos A Protegernos Del Coronavirus Y Usa Tu Mascarilla De Tela!

Esta es una hoja de datos visual que nos brinda información sobre cómo podemos detener la propagación del coronavirus.

photo of the poster

Tarjetas basadas en los requisitos del estado de Washington

Esta es una colección de tarjetas visuales que resumen los requisitos de lavado de manos de COVID-19 según el Departamento de Trabajo e Industrias del Estado de Washington.

photo of the poster

Social Media Cards Developed from Washington State Requirements

This is a collection of visual cards summarizing COVID-19 hand washing requirements based on WA State Department of Labor and Industries. 

photo of the guide

¿Qué mascarilla usar según la tarea?

Esta guía informa sobre las diferentes máscaras para diferentes tareas laborales para prevenir la propagación de COVID-19 en la agricultura.

photo of the poster

Which Mask for Which task?

This guide educates about different masks for different work tasks to prevent spread of COVID-19 in agriculture. 


picture of disinfecting equipments

Requirements for COVID-19 Safety in Temporary Worker Housing for Agriculture

This is an infographic that visually depicts the requirements temporary worker housing employers and workers must follow to stop the spread of COVID-19. 


7 Requisitos para prevenir el COVID-19 en las bodegas de empaque

Este es un recurso infográfico que proporciona siete sencillos pasos que deben seguir los empleadores y trabajadores de la industria de procesamiento de alimentos para detener la propagación de COVID-19.


7 Requirements for COVID-19 Safety in Agriculture

This is a visual infographic that provides seven simple employer's requirements and workers responsibilities to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.


picture of checklist


This is a checklist for assessment and control plan around COVID-19 preparation, prevention, and management measures based on CDC and US DOL guidance. 


photo of the illustrated family

The Chavira Family

This is an audio story about a Spanish speaking family of six who copes with variety of issues common to farmworkers. 

Captured picture of the people in the story

AG StoryCorps®

This webpage documents farm injuries in the U.S. and near misses that can be transformative life-changing events.