The UW EDGE Center has a long history of organizing Public Health Cafes at Seattle restaurants for EDGE scientists to engage with the public on topics related to their research.
In the fall of 2019, the EDGE Center Community Engagement Core revamped the Public Health Cafes to be hosted by and more tailored to the needs of our community partners. When possible, members of the media, agency employees, and the staff of elected officials are also invited to these public events.
Due to COVID 19, Public Health Cafes planned for 2020 were put on hold. We look forward to hosting online events until indoor social gatherings will be considered safe again.

Air Quality and Health in the Duwamish Valley
On Monday, November 25th, 2019 EDGE researchers, Dr. Joel Kaufman and Dr. Edmund Seto presented their research on air quality at Taqueria Rincon Express, a locally owned Mexican restaurant in South Park, Seattle. Their presentations were proceeded by personal stories from three local community members.