
Resilience on Seattle's Waterfront

This interactive story map features portraits and stories of some of the people involved in or affected by our Seattle Assessment of Public Health Emergency Response (SASPER) project.

Improving Your Narrativity

This 16-minute training defines narrativity, explains why to use it, and provides a tool for introducing or improving it in your own work. The training ends with an opportunity to put the tool to use.

Finding Your Message

This 30-minute video covers six features of memorable messages and introduces an exercise to help you organize your communication around a single main idea to let people know why it's important and what they should do about it. 

Using Accessible Language

This 25-minute training video introduces one fundamental strategy and a readily available tool to increase the impact of your communications with people both within and outside your field.

The Mental Health Effects of Natural Hazards

Written for public health practitioners and suitable for a general audience, this fact sheet summarizes the scientific literature on the mental health effects of natural hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and wildfiires.

The Health Effects of Earthquakes

Written for public health practitioners and suitable for a general audience, this fact sheet summarizes the scientific literature on the health effects of earthquakes and includes an extensive bibliography.

The Health Effects of Tsunamis

Written for public health practitioners and suitable for a general audience, this fact sheet summarizes the scientific literature on the health effects of tsunamis and includes an extensive bibliography. 

Using a HEPA Air Purifier

This one-page fact sheet describes everything you need to know in order to use and maintain a portable HEPA air purifier to clean the air in your indoor space.

Using Safer Degreasers

This flier was created to inform people about ways to minimize health risks associated with exposure to degreasers.

Fast Facts About the Duwamish River

This double-sided fact sheet was created in collaboration with Bellevue high school health teachers who planned to introduce a unit on the Duwamish River focusing on issues related to environmental health and justice.

The Health Effects of Wildfire Smoke

Written for public health practitioners and suitable for a general audience, this fact sheet summarizes the scientific literature on the health effects of wildfire smoke and includes an extensive bibliography.

Guidelines to Incorporate Trauma-Informed Care Strategies in Qualitative Research

Guidelines on appropriately conducting trauma-informed research and recognizing people’s lived experiences.

CONVERGE Training Modules

The CONVERGE Training Modules incorporate an all-hazards approach grounded in cutting edge research from the social sciences, public health, engineering, and other disciplines.

Extreme Events Research Check Sheets Series

These short, graphical check sheets are meant to be used as researchers design their studies, prepare to enter the field, conduct field research, and exit the field.

Disaster-zone research needs a code of conduct

Study the effects of earthquakes, floods and other natural hazards with sensitivity to ethical dilemmas and power imbalances.

Working with Disaster-Affected Communities to Envision Healthier Futures

Methods for practitioners to apply a trauma-informed approach to their post-disaster recovery planning. 

SASPER Final report

The Seattle Assessment of Public Health Emergency Response used a door-to-door survey approach to guage the priorities of community members in Seattle's Duwamish Valley on issues relating to climate resilience.

Model Community Partnership Agreement

This Model Community Partnership Agreement provides a template for academic researchers to use with community partners for Community Engaged Research projects.

ATHENA Environmental Health Lesson: Sunscreen and UV Radiation

Curriculum. This hands-on lesson asks students to test the effect of ultraviolet (UV) light on UV-sensitive beads using plain lotion and sunscreens with varying SPF levels.

ATHENA Environmental Health Resource: 7 Core Concepts of Environmental Health posters

Classroom resource: This slideset includes a slide for each of the 7 Core Concepts of Environmental Health: Toxicity, Exposure, Dose/Response, Individual Susceptibility, Risks and Benefits, Environmental Justice, and Community Resources and Action

ATHENA Environmental Health Lesson: Artifacts Activity & Granola Bar Choices Activity

Curriculum. A 30-minute classroom activity to introduce nutrition, organic versus conventional foods, packaging, labeling, and consumer choices. Can also use non-food artifacts for students to consider.