Community Engagement

ATHENA Environmental Health Lesson: Introduction to Health. Health Unit Organizing Activity

Submitted by vbrace on

This activity serves as an "Introduction to Health" lesson. Students generate or are given a list of health topics and write each topic on its own sticky note. Students then place the sticky note on an enlarged Venn Diagram posted on a wall, placing it on the circle (Environment, Genes, or Choices) where they think it belongs, or across two circles if they think the topic overlaps. A group of teachers can take part in this activity using the topics taught in Health Class. 50-minute class period.

ATHENA Environmental Health Lesson: Introduction to Health. Family Tree Activity

Submitted by vbrace on

In this activity, students research the environmental and genetic medical conditions in their own family or in the people they live with. After they complete the family tree, students create an informational brochure about a medical condition in their own family and share with family members, who provide feedback. This activity is also part of the lesson Introduction to Health. Environment + Genes + Choices = Your Health in this table.

ATHENA Environmental Health Lesson: Introduction to Health. Environment + Genes + Choices = Your Health

Submitted by vbrace on

The lesson will introduce students to the interaction between the environment, genetics, and personal choices, and their effect on one's health. Lesson plan includes three activities: (1) Circle in a Circle (included in the PDF), (2) Your Money or Your Life (listed separately in this table), and (3) Family Tree Activity (also listed separately in this table). This lesson aligns with Washington State EALRs. 2+ 50-minute class periods.

ATHENA Environmental Health Lesson: GMO Salmon

Submitted by vbrace on

The lesson introduces genetically modified organisms through a case study of GMO salmon. Background is provided about GMOs and reasons they are developed, regulation, examples of GMO foods, and ethical issues. Student groups are given one of four editorials (two pro-GMO, two anti-GMO) and asked to analyze the editorial to identify message, point of view, and stakeholders. PDF includes lesson plan, factsheet, and 4 student worksheets. 50-minute class period.

Hechos rápidos: La seguridad de los mariscos en PugetSound

Submitted by lhayward on

Un folleto de una página, desarrollado por un Café de Salud Pública. El folleto está compuesto para una audiencia general y proporciona una descripción breve de problemas relacionados a la seguridad de mariscos, nombres de agencias que están involucradas y lo que están haciendo para hacerse cargo del problema, algunas preguntas para discusión, y una lista de enlaces donde puedes aprender más. 

Toxic Free Futures

Submitted by lhayward on

The Toxic Free Futures website offers more local information for Washington State educators. This non-profit group works to protect public health and the environment by eliminating toxic pollution. Their site includes updates on legislative action, ways to get involved, and a blog.

TOXMAP: Environmental Health e-Maps

Submitted by lhayward on

Produced by the National Library of Medicine, this interactive mapping site lets you enter an address or zip code and see a map showing all the Superfund sites and industries that report releases of toxic substances in that area. The site uses data from the EPA's Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) program and Superfund National Priorities List (NPL) to populate the maps, making them up-to-date and reliable.


Submitted by lhayward on

Toxipedia is a smart, cutting-edge resource for all things toxicology and environmental health-related. Set up as a "wiki," it strives to "present scientific information in a clear and compelling way and to empower people to make choices that protect their own health and the health of families, communities, and the environment." The site offers articles and resources about toxic chemicals, diseases, regulations, consumer products, ethical issues, the history of toxicology, and more.