The Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center is currently accepting pre-proposal applications to improve the health and safety of workers and communities in farming, fishing, and forestry. The Pilot Project Program is intended to stimulate and support new and expanded research, intervention, and education activities in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
Through a competitive process, the Pilot Program will award one-year research projects for a maximum total annual direct cost of up to $30,000. Projects are expected to have a duration of 12 months with a project period from September 30, 2024 to September 29, 2025.
The Pilot Project Program has funding available, this year of up to $30,000 per project and has been revised to focus on research projects. Here is a link to the Pilot Project Program website at: Pilot Project Program - 2024 | Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center. There you will find the pre-proposal application, as well as all documentation needed for the complete application process. If you have questions contact, Judy Lysiak at judy13@uw.edu.
2024 Pilot Projects Timeline
June 3 - Pre-proposal applications are due to the PNASH Center
June 17 - Competitive applicants are invited to submit full proposals
July 22 - Full invited proposals are due
Sept. 2 - Award notification and announcement
Sept. 30 - Earliest date of fund availability
The PNASH Center seeks to extend opportunities to all qualified applicants. We encourage you to share this opportunity with researchers within your network. We look forward to hearing from you!