Refining estimates of spatiotemporal variation crop worker exposures to heat and wildfire smoke in rural agricultural regions

Case study among H-2A foreign visa worker applications.

This project seeks to refine spatial and temporal estimates of wildfire smoke, heat, and dual exposure among region X crop workers. This project will estimate and compare the burden of exposure (worker days at risk) to wildfire smoke (WFS), heat, and dual exposure among crop worker groups. Spatial variability will be accounted for at a more refined level than the county level via validated modeled WFS and heat exposure data linked to H2A application data and Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) worker counts per crop worker group. Through researcher and stakeholder driven products, the project will address the mission of the PNASH Center to engage agricultural stakeholders to conduct research and promote best practices as well as meet NIOSH NORA AFF and respiratory health goals.

Principal Investigator: John Flunker, PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Washington