Maria Tchong-French, MPH

Maria Tchong-French

Research Scientist

NW PEHSU, PNASH, University of Washington, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences


Maria Tchong-French is a research scientist with the University of Washington since 2004. She has been involved in exposure assessment in multiple projects ranging from pesticide exposure in agriculture, solvent exposure in automotive shops, and air quality in schools. She feels strongly about improving the safety and health of workers and their families. She is a native Spanish speaker. As part of NW PEHSU, she is involved in program tracking/reporting, as well as providing exposure assessment/industrial hygiene expertise in consultations.



Ergonomic Evaluation of Emerging Technologies in the Tree Fruit Industry, Home Air In Agriculture - Pediatric Intervention (HAPI) Trial, Using IPM To Reduce Pyrethroid Pesticide Exposures in Dairy Workers, Reducing Agricultural Worker Risks through New and Emerging Technologies, and Improving PPE Effectiveness in Agricultural Applications


MPH, Industrial Hygiene, University of California, Berkeley
BS, Environmental Health, University of Washington, Seattle