Commercial Fishing and Processing Injury Prevention

SESSION VIII. Occupational Health Research in the Commercial Fishing Industry

Chair: Jennifer Lincoln, PhD, NIOSH Western States Division, University of Washington

The commercial fishing industry is recognized as one of the most hazardous work settings. Many operations are characterized by strenuous labor, long work hours, harsh weather, and moving decks with hazardous machinery and equipment. To date, NIOSH scientists and others have published regional and fishery-specific analyses of fatalities and traumatic injuries, and made recommendations to prevent them. Little research has examined occupational health-related issues in the US commercial fishing industry, such as chronic and infectious disease, fatigue, musculoskeletal injuries/illnesses, and thermal load from PPE. This session will highlight researchers’ recent efforts to better understand such health issues.

Occupational Health Studies in Commercial Fishing and Offshore Seafood Processing:

Industries Impact of Thermal Load on PFD Use Among Shrimp Fishermen

Ann Carruth, DNP, RN, Southeastern Louisiana University

Chronic Health Risks in Commercial Fishermen: A Cross-Sectional Analysis from a Small Rural Fishing Village in Alaska

Debra Cherry, MD, MPH, PNASH, University of Washington

Fatigue and Sleep Deprivation: A Review of the Commercial Fishing Literature

Jennifer M. Lincoln, PhD, CSP, NIOSH Western States Division

Linking Data Sources To Explore Chronic Health Conditions, Infectious Disease, and Musculoskeletal Injury/Illness Among Alaskan Fishermen

Laura Syron, PhD, MPH, NIOSH Western States Division

Health-related Results from the Fishermen Led Injury Prevention Program

Laurel Kincl, PhD, CSP, Oregon State University

Participatory Research Methods to Engage Fishing Industry Stakeholders:

Interviewing Corporate Safety and Health Managers to Understand Seafood Companies’ Challenges and Successes

Laura Syron, PhD, MPH, NIOSH Western States Division

Fishermen Led Injury Prevention Program: An Example of Community-Based Participatory Research

Laurel Kincl, PhD, CSP, PNASH, Oregon State University

KEYNOTE - Jeannie Nigam, NIOSH-sponsored Keynote: Stress, Mental Health, and Total Worker Health in AgFF

Introduction by Brad Husberg, AgFF Program, NIOSH