Oregon Crab Fisherman Safety and Personal Flotation Device Survey

The Oregon Crab Fishing Safety Assessment evaluated the effectiveness of current US Coast Guard and Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission safety initiatives and safety training programs, and field-tested five different PFDs; focusing on PFD attitudes, worker attitudes, and perceived risks. The results of this study provide feedback for policymakers and the industry considering additional safety measures, and contribute, with a local perspective, to future prevention-focused safety efforts in Oregon. This project launched a new partnership between PNASH, Oregon Health and Sciences University, NIOSH AK Field Station, and the Coast Guard.

Final Report

"Oregon Crab Fishing Safety Assessment" Dec. 2011

PFD Flyer: Why should I wear a PFD when I’m crab fishing? 

Other Resources

Oregon FACE "Crab Fishing Hazard Alert" DHH (NIOSH) Publication Nubmer 2011-104.