This sub-project was housed under another program, The Center for Child Environmental Health Risks Research, which worked to understand the mechanisms that define children’s susceptibility to pesticides. Center researchers, including some that also worked at PNASH led field studies with a farmworker community to bring a unique and successful approach to the study of children’s environmental health. This center was funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and NIEHS.
Children of agricultural producers and workers can be exposed to pesticides and other agricultural chemicals if workplace chemicals are inadvertently brought into their homes. The purpose of this research is to prevent or reduce take-home pesticide exposure among agricultural workers and their families in Northwest farming communities. This project contributed to new methods for the characterization of the take-home exposure pathway, and for interventions to reduce children’s exposures to pesticides.
- Armstrong JL, Yost MG, Fenske RA. Development of a passive air sampler to measure airborne organophosphorus pesticides and oxygen analogs in an agricultural community. Chemosphere. 2014 Sep;111:135-43.
- Armstrong JL, Fenske RA, Yost MG, Galvin K, Tchong-French M, Yu J. Presence of organophosphorus pesticide oxygen analogs in air samples. Atmos Environ (1994). 2013 Feb 1;66:145-150.
- Ramaprasad J, Tsai MG, Fenske RA, Faustman EM, Griffith WC, Felsot AS, Elgethun K, Weppner S and Yost MG. Children's inhalation exposure to methamidophos from sprayed potato fields in Washington State:Exploring the use of probabilistic modeling of meteorological data in exposure assessment. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2008: Epub ahead of print.
- Thompson B, Coronado GD, Vigoren EM, Griffith EC, Fenske R, Kissel J, Shirai JH and Faustman EM. Para ninos saludables: a community intervention trial to reduce organophosphate pesticide exposure in children of farmworkers. Environ Health Perspect. 2008: 116(5): 687-94.
- Elgethun K, Yost MG, Fitzpatrick CT, Nyerges TL and Fenske RA. Comparison of global positioning system (GPS) tracking and parent-report diaries to characterize children's time-location patterns. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2007: 17(2): 196-206.
- Weppner S, Elgethun K, Lu C, Hebert V, Yost MG, Fenske RA. The Washington aerial spray drift study: children's exposure to methamidophos in an agricultural community following fixed-wing aircraft applications. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2006 Sep;16(5):387-96.
- Elgethun K, Yost MG, Fitzpatrick CT, Nyerges TL, Fenske RA. Comparison of global positioning system (GPS) tracking and parent-report diaries to characterize children's time-location patterns. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2006 Jun 14.
- Weppner S, Elgethun K, Lu C, Hebert V, Yost MG, Fenske RA. The Washington aerial spray drift study: children's exposure to methamidophos in an agricultural community following fixed-wing aircraft applications. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2006 Sep;16(5):387-96. Epub 2005 Oct 12.
- Tsai MY, Elgethun K, Ramaprasad J, Yost MG, Felsot AS, Hebert VR, Fenske RA. The Washington aerial spray drift study: Modeling pesticide spray drift deposition from an aerial application. Atmospheric Environment. 2005 Oct;39(33):6194-6203.
- Elgethun K, Fenske RA, Yost MG, Palcisko GJ. Time-location analysis for exposure assessment studies of children using a novel global positioning system instrument. Environ Health Perspect. 2003;111:115-122.
- Curl CL, Fenske RA, Kissel JC, Shirai JH, Moate TF, Griffith W, Coronado G, Thompson B. Evaluation of take-home organophosphorus pesticide exposure among agricultural workers and their children. Environ Health Perspect. 2002;110:787-792.
- Koch D, Lu C, Jolley L, Fisker-Andersen JA, Fenske RA. Temporal association of children’s pesticide exposure and agricultural spraying: report of a longitudinal biological monitoring study. Environ Health Perspect. 2002;110(8):829-833.
- Faustman EM, Silbernagel SM, Fenske RA, Burbacher TM, Ponce RA. Mechanisms underlying children’s susceptibility to environmental toxicants. Environ Health Persp. 2000;108(1):13-21.
- See also, The Center for Child Environmental Health Risks Research