Keep All Pesticide Handling in the Target Area

White transport bucket
Use a designated container to transport all pesticide application products and supplies to the target area to minimize travel from application site to mixing and loading area.

Photo by: Kit Galvin

notes icon Take note

Aim to bring all necessary supplies and products to the target area. Select the best transport method based on the distance between mixing and loading area to the target site. Use designated buckets with screw-on lids that prevent spills for short distances. Make sure to designate buckets to serve as transport buckets. For large distances use a transport trailer with the products in the back. Another option is to store items in a pesticide transport container and place the transport container on the back of a truck. No matter the transport method remember to place all the supplies you will need to handle the pesticides before leaving the mixing and loading area.


idea icon Idea...

A greenhouse supervisor and coworker thought of the idea of using transport buckets after attending a pesticide training. They first used open buckets, however, they were concerned that items would spill during transport so screw-on lids were added to the buckets. 


"I highly recommend this practical solution for greenhouses. All the mixing and loading can be done at the application site. Also, I am able to fit all the supplies and products in transport buckets."
A greenhouse worker
Trailer for pesticides
Transport pesticides and supplies using buckets, storage boxes, or a trailer.

alert icon Alert

Do not swap transport buckets between facilities.  


setup iconSetup & use

  • Label buckets with screw-on lids with its assigned facility. 
  • Wear gloves and closed-toe shoes when carrying the transport buckets. 
  • Restock supplies if using a transport storage container or transport trailer. 


supplies icon Supplies

  • Buckets 
  • Screw-on lids 
  • Marker 
  • Appropriate PPE 
  • Large storage container 


tips icon Tips

  • Wear appropriate PPE (gloves, eye protection, closed-toe shoes) when handling pesticides. 
  • Clean the containers used for pesticide mixing at the target area site. 


Last updated

We hope that you will be inspired you to incorporate solutions into your own training style, develop your own hands-on teaching tools, or discover new practical solutions. We hope that you are inspired to use these solutions in your workplace. Did you try one of the practical solutions or develop a new one? We would appreciate hearing about your ideas and experiences.

Thank you and safe pesticide handling,

Contact your state agency for more information on WPS regulations. The content of this website is for informational purposes only. It may need modification to fit your needs or it may not be appropriate for your workplace. Safe use of these solutions is your responsibility. The University of Washington and the Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety & Health Center is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the use of the information provided on this website.

PNASH Project 2016-2021 (CDC/NIOSH Cooperative Agreement # U54 OH007544)

Contact us

Project Email:

Project staff:
Maria Tchong-French (habla espaƱol)
206 685-6728