Keep Cool while Applying Pesticides

Ice Vest

Photo by PNASH

Wearing an ice pack vest under PPE keep applicators cool.

notes icon Take note

Ice vests, with reusable ice packs, are the best type for wearing under PPE in a greenhouse.

idea icon Idea...

A greenhouse supervisor saw an advertisement for the ice vest in a trade catalog. As their greenhouse requires full PPE regardless of the product label, he provided ice vests to keep the applicators cooler when spraying. 

alert icon  Alert

Provide heat training following local OSHA Heat Rules.

“Wearing the ice vest makes the spray application more comfortable when it is hot. I use an ice vest every time I spray during the summertime.”
Greenhouse pesticide applicator

setup icon Setup & use

  • Train new employees on when to use the ice vest and how to properly wear it.
  • Check vests for tears and damage before each use.
  • Put ice packs in all pockets of the ice vest.
  • Wear ice vests under PPE.
  • Decontaminate ice vests and ice packs after use.
  • Store clean vests in a clean dry location and ice packs in freezer.

supplies icon Supplies

  • Ice vest
  • Ice packs for each jacket pocket
  • Extra ice packs
  • Clean location or plastic box with lid for storing clean ice vests
  • Convenient freezer for storing frozen ice packs that are ready to use

tips icon Tips

  • Keep extra frozen ice packs on hand to switch them out when they warm up.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for how to clean vests.
Open ice vest with ice pack
Open ice vest with ice pack


Worker Protection Standard Rules

Federal (Code of Federal Regulations)

Washington State

State of Oregon

Last updated

We hope that you will be inspired you to incorporate solutions into your own training style, develop your own hands-on teaching tools, or discover new practical solutions. We hope that you are inspired to use these solutions in your workplace. Did you try one of the practical solutions or develop a new one? We would appreciate hearing about your ideas and experiences.

Thank you and safe pesticide handling,

Contact your state agency for more information on WPS regulations. The content of this website is for informational purposes only. It may need modification to fit your needs or it may not be appropriate for your workplace. Safe use of these solutions is your responsibility. The University of Washington and the Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety & Health Center is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the use of the information provided on this website.

PNASH Project 2016-2021 (CDC/NIOSH Cooperative Agreement # U54 OH007544)

Contact us

Project Email:

Project staff:
Maria Tchong-French (habla español)
206 685-6728