Child & Youth

CLEAN AIR–I CARE: Stressors of Balancing Childcare, Work, and Concerns of Wildfire Smoke Exposures for Farmworker Parents

Working outside amid heat and wildfire smoke makes summer farm work grueling. But for those who are also parents, these challenges are compounded by the pressure of balancing work and childcare, and concerns about their children’s health in the smoke. Farmworkers also have few wildfire and smoke information sources that are non-written or in Spanish. 

Reducing Occupational Health and Safety Risks Among Young Workers in Agriculture through Clinician Engagement

Occupational hazards of adolescent farm workers is a topic many argue is critical, but for which there have been few directed activities in the research and healthcare community. This project tailored the RCAT survey instrument to develop a tool for clinicians to assess and reduce the risks of their adolescent agricultural patients. 
Agricultural workplace fatality rates among youth under age 18 are extremely high, accounting for approximately 42% of workers killed during 1992-2000, and 10% of workers killed from 1998-2007.

Aggravating Factors of Asthma in a Rural Environment (AFARE)

This community-based project characterized ambient triggers of asthma in the rural setting by following 50 (children and adults) asthmatic community participants, mapping their exacerbations and comparing these with known agricultural exposures. 
Communities living in rural agricultural settings may be exposed to an array of biological (e.g. organic dust from animal and crop products, bacteria, fungi, endotoxins) and non-biological particles and gases (e.g. pesticides, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia).