Community Resource

Environmental Health Fact File: ASTHMA

Submitted by vbrace on

A collection of integrated lesson plans designed to introduce middle school students to the topics of asthma and environmental health. This curriculum provides EALR aligned lesson plans to teachers in a variety of subjects. At least two lessons are provided for each subject. The lessons are designed to be stand alone units, allowing teachers to mix and match lessons and present them in any order. Resource materials are also included to help school librarians who are facilitating student research projects.

Hechos rápidos: La seguridad de los mariscos en PugetSound

Submitted by lhayward on

Un folleto de una página, desarrollado por un Café de Salud Pública. El folleto está compuesto para una audiencia general y proporciona una descripción breve de problemas relacionados a la seguridad de mariscos, nombres de agencias que están involucradas y lo que están haciendo para hacerse cargo del problema, algunas preguntas para discusión, y una lista de enlaces donde puedes aprender más. 

Hechos rápidos: Los efectos sobre la salud de los pesticidas en los alimentos

Submitted by lhayward on

Un folleto de dos páginas, desarrollado por un Café de Salud Pública. El Folleto está compuesto para una audiencia general y proporciona una descripción breve sobre la ciencia del uso de pesticidas, ejemplos de investigaciones actuales, cosas que puedes hacer para proteger tu salud, y una lista de enlaces para aprender más. 

Genetics & Epigenetics

Submitted by lhayward on

A two-sided, legal-paper-sized handout, this visual concept map is the product of a brainstorming activity with the Center’s 17-member Community Advisory Board (CAB). It can be used to facilitate conversations related to food and environmental health in a variety of contexts.

FOCUS ON ECOGENETICS #1: The PON1 Enzyme and Susceptibility to Toxicity from Exposure to Organophosphate Pesticides

Submitted by lhayward on

The first installment in our Focus on Ecogenetics series, this one-page flyer developed in 2012 provides a summary of the EDGE research related to genetic susceptibility to pesticides. The flyer also explores related ethical issues and provides references and a glossary of terms.

FAST FACTS: Where Research Begins with American Indians/Alaska Natives

Submitted by lhayward on

The primary audience for this document is researchers who wish to work with tribes or urban American Indians / Alaska Natives (AI/ANs). These fast facts are intended to introduce investigators to indigenous ways of thinking and ensure that the research has value to the participants and their communities. Rather than a checklist, this document is intended as an overview.