Working with Disaster-Affected Communities to Envision Healthier Futures
Methods for practitioners to apply a trauma-informed approach to their post-disaster recovery planning.
Methods for practitioners to apply a trauma-informed approach to their post-disaster recovery planning.
The Seattle Assessment of Public Health Emergency Response used a door-to-door survey approach to guage the priorities of community members in Seattle's Duwamish Valley on issues relating to climate resilience. This 28-page report provides a comprehensive summary of its results.
This Model Community Partnership Agreement provides a template for academic researchers to use with community partners for Community Engaged Research projects. This model agreement is pre-approved for use by researchers within the UW School of Public Health and can be modified to fit the needs of academic-community partnership teams within other schools and universities. For an editable Word version of this document, please email BJ Cummings, UW EDGE Center Community Engagement Core co-manager at
The EDGE Community Engagement Core partnered with Clean Air Methow, and Anna Humphreys, a UW Public Health graduate student, to support communities in the Methow Valley during wildfire smoke events. This pamphlet sums up what Methow Valley community members said they felt during wildfire smoke events. It also suggests responses to their needs based on interviews and official information sources. We hope this pamphlet can be tailored to help other communities cope with their own wildfire smoke events.
This results newsletter was created to inform community participants about the results of a study they were involved in to measure diesel emissions in five different Seattle neighborhoods. Figures show wide disparities in pollution levels within Seattle. Information about the health impacts of air pollution is also included.
This fact sheet summarizes lessons learned from the establishment of the Imperial County Community Air Monitoring Network. Community-engaged research can be complicated because it must meet the scientists' standards rigor while having meaning for the community and support to ensure longevity and lasting change. The Imperial County project serves as a success story with important lessons for other projects.
This fact sheet summarizes the health impacts of air pollution and the ways that these impacts have been studied. It also includes a brief overview of work from the lab of Joel Kaufman, Acting Director of EDGE. It was produced to distribute at a Public Health Cafe event held in South Park, Seattle in the fall of 2019.
A collection of integrated lesson plans designed to introduce middle school students to the topics of asthma and environmental health. This curriculum provides EALR aligned lesson plans to teachers in a variety of subjects. At least two lessons are provided for each subject. The lessons are designed to be stand alone units, allowing teachers to mix and match lessons and present them in any order. Resource materials are also included to help school librarians who are facilitating student research projects.
Un folleto de una página, desarrollado por un Café de Salud Pública. El folleto está compuesto para una audiencia general y proporciona una descripción breve de problemas relacionados a la seguridad de mariscos, nombres de agencias que están involucradas y lo que están haciendo para hacerse cargo del problema, algunas preguntas para discusión, y una lista de enlaces donde puedes aprender más.
Un folleto de dos páginas, desarrollado por un Café de Salud Pública. El Folleto está compuesto para una audiencia general y proporciona una descripción breve sobre la ciencia del uso de pesticidas, ejemplos de investigaciones actuales, cosas que puedes hacer para proteger tu salud, y una lista de enlaces para aprender más.