Bilingual Pesticide Labels for Reforestation Worker Safety

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New Pesticide Safety Resource for Forestry

Introducing resources for reforestation supervisors, safety professionals, pesticide handlers and crew: a Handbook and Glossary of Terms in English & Spanish with pesticide label safety and environmental protection information, for forestry vegetation management of Oregon and Washington State products. These educational materials are approved by Safety Managers.

‘’To be carried at all times for any forest worker, doesn't matter if is an applicator, planter, or chainsaw operator, the exposure to herbicides is always a constant in the forestry world."  
– Reforestation Safety Manager

Learn more in this article in the Western Forester special edition 'Restoration and Vegetation Management' in English and Spanish (see pages 10-11).


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PPT Presentation - Bilingual Pesticide Labels for Reforestation Worker Safety