Cannabis Worker Health and Safety

Cannabis worker

Protecting a new workforce

Over the past decade, there has been a dramatic expansion of the cannabis industry across most US states. Although thousands of new employees are joining the workforce each year, very little is known about the occupational hazards and potential health effects for workers involved in cannabis cultivation. Learn more about work stages and key risk areas

On-the-job exposure

Occupational health concerns among cannabis workers include potentially hazardous exposures to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, mold, volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, and ergonomic injuries.

In the News

Massachusetts Department of Public Health calls for tougher action by cannabis industry to improve health and safety after work-related asthma death | November 16, 2023 | State of Massachusetts, Department of Health, Press Release

Cannabis Flower Technician Experiences Fatal Asthma Exacerbation - Massachusetts | November 16, 2023 | Massachusetts State FACE Program

Death of Cannabis Production Worker Highlights the Under-Recognition of Work-Related Asthma: Healthcare Providers are Key Partners in Prevention | Fall 2023 | Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Occupational Lung Disease Bulletin for Healthcare Providers

The Myriad Health & Safety Risks for Cannabis | October 25, 2023 | Migrant Clinicians Newtwork

Washington legal pot farms get back to work after pesticide concerns halted operations |July 15, 2023 | Associated Press

Study explores potential cannabis related health concerns to protect industry workers | July 2, 2021 | Spokesman-Review

Cannabis industry workers face unknown occupational hazards | October 21, 2020 | Cannabis Equipment News

Protecting the pot workforce | August 29, 2018 | Health and Safety Matters



Respiratory Exposures and Outcomes Among Cannabis Workers (webinar)


DOSH Hazard Alert

Attention: Workers in the legalized cannabis industry with exposure to cannabis dust are at risk for developing asthma.

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Shine a Light on Safety: Indoor/Outdoor UV Exposure Prevention

This resource offers guidance on understanding and preventing indoor and outdoor UV exposure for cannabis growers and workers. En EspaƱol.

PNASH Research