Farmworker Stress and Anxiety Resources

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Farmworker stoops over to harvest asparagus

Agricultural workers and producers are known to face high levels of stress. Working conditions are physically demanding, fast-paced and can occur during extreme and hazardous weather. 

Latinx farmworkers face unique barriers that can lead to stress and anxiety, such as language, lack of insurance, and immigration status. Additionally, the temporary and seasonal work activities of agriculture can lead to gaps in employment and loss of wages. Research has demonstrated the importance of mental health and well-being in agricultural workers. In our effort to reduce gaps in access to mental health services, we have compiled a list of resources for you, your family, and workplace.

Resources in case of emergency or crisis


For additional mental health support, find your local Washington state affiliate here.

For medical emergency call



For mental health emergency call


(English and Spanish)

Farm Aid & MCN


Mon - Fri, 10am-6pm PST. Elizabeth Gonzales from MCN, will answer your call to help you.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


or Live Online Chat; Text HOME to 741741

National Suicide Prevention - Spanish


National Alliance on Mental Illness


Mon - Fri, 10am-10pm, EST. or email

24/7 Washington Recovery Help Line 


Contact the Mental health crisis line in your area 

Resources for yourself and your family and friends

Stress and Anxiety in Latino Farmworkers (strAW)

Print and download to hang in your refrigerator: A summary of factors that cause stress and anxiety among agricultural communities with tips on how to manage stress.

Stress and anxiety infographic

WA Community Organizations & Health Clinics 

The Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN) created a resource finder to help the immigrant and first generation communities locate health clinics and services in their community. Select your county, service category, and keywords (optional) and view in Spanish by switching the language (lang) on the top right to español (es).



Resources to share with your workplace

On-site posters 

Training resources 

National Organizations

PNASH Research