
Stress and Anxiety in Latino Farmworkers - Modifiable Workplace Factors (StrAW)

Previous research demonstrates the important impact of mental health on the well-being of farmers and farm workers. Farmworkers face seasonal work demands, workplace safety conditions, and occupational stressors that all contribute to the prevalence of stress and anxiety in Latino rural communities. Access to health care and culturally appropriate diagnostic and support services has also been identified as an essential barrier to reducing impact and burden. 

Pesticide Exposures and Risk Perceptions among Male and Female Latinx Farmers in Idaho

Previous studies have documented high levels of pesticide exposure among Latinx farmworkers. However, most research has focused almost exclusively on men, despite women representing an increasing proportion of the agricultural workforce. Some studies have indicated that women farmworkers experience Acute Pesticide Poisonings (APPs) at significantly higher rates than their male counterparts.