National Public Health Week: Worker Safety Day

Did you know that April 4-10 is National Public Health Week? That's right, five whole days dedicated to public health. While each day focuses on something a little different, here at the NWCOHS we're most excited for Tuesday's focus on Worker Safety!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

nationalpublichealthweekDid you know that April 4-10 is National Public Health Week? That's right, five whole days dedicated to public health. While each day focuses on something a little different, here over at the NWCOHS we're most excited for Tuesday's focus on Worker Safety!

With employers and employees working together, a safer work environment can be built. While its great to look at the big picture, starting off small can make it easier to implement safer practices at work on a daily basis.

Here are a few tips from APHA:

Employers start small...

  • Understand and follow all workplace safety regulations and best practices. Go beyond the minimum required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
  • Educate employees about workplace regulations and train employees to recognize unsafe or unhealthy settings. Create an employee reporting system to allow workers to report hazardous working conditions.
  • Create safe work environments by identifying and fixing workplace hazards such as unstable surfaces and malfunctioning vehicles.
  • Promote workplace safety by offering tips on your company bulletin board, website or newsletter.
  • Conduct personal safety training programs that teach employees how to recognize, avoid or diffuse potentially violent workplace situations.

Employees start small…

  • Wear all personal protective equipment required or recommended for your occupation.
  • Participate in worksite safety trainings programs and follow all workplace laws and safety rules.
  • Ensure vision is not obstructed when operating heavy machinery.
  • Hold a brown-bag lunch at work to focus on workplace safety.
  • Use your rights to advocate for safety and health.

Think big…

  • Write a letter to the editor of your local paper about the importance of preventing workplace injuries during National Public Health Week (NPHW) and beyond.
  • Invite local policymakers and others to a community roundtable to discuss injury prevention in the workplace and follow-up with specific actions.
  • Support your family, friends and neighbors when they try to improve health and safety at their workplace.

For more information on National Public Health Week go here.