Creating safe workplaces and healthy workers
Our students are actively engaged in research on innovative and cutting-edge solutions to challenges associated with work in the 21st century.
From researching workplace violence prevention to measuring chemical exposures in the coffee industry to assessing the health effects of heat exposure, students learn the latest research methods and approaches to prevent work-related injury and illness and promote well-being in the workforce.
Recent examples of our research include:
- Researching workplace violence prevention.
- Studying the health effects of heat exposure for agricultural workers.
- Investigating lung health in coffee workers.
- Protecting precarious workers.
Faculty expertise
Our faculty are experts in occupational exposure assessment and control measures, research approaches and methodology and the health effects of and clinical responses to workplace exposures and injuries.
We also bring our expertise to emerging issues in the workplace including:
- Immigrants, children, the aging workforce and special populations at risk.
- Globalization and work.
- Workers’ compensation systems.
- Access to health care.
- Under-reporting of workplace exposures.