Frequently asked questions

What is the Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety (NWCOHS)?

The NWCOHS is an Education and Research Center (ERC) continuously funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) since 1977. The NWCOHS is one of 18 NIOSH-funded ERCs in the US.

What does NWCOHS offer?

NWCOHS prepares graduate students for careers in occupational health and safety through training programs, significant financial support and community-engaged research opportunities. We also offer continuing education programs for health and safety practitioners, consultation for professionals and businesses, and fund pilot grants for those interested in developing expertise in occupational health and safety.

What region does NWCOHS serve?

NWCOHS serves Federal Region X, which includes Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, though our trainees come from all over the US.

How do I apply for NWCOHS funding for my graduate training?

There is no separate application process for NWCOHS funding. All applicants for NWCOHS programs are considered for funding at the time of admission. Funding is available for US citizens or permanent residents only. We encourage applicants to contact the NWCOHS Program Director for their proposed program of study so we can start an active dialogue prior to potential admission and ensure applicants apply for an emphasis area that is eligible for ERC support.

How much funding does the NWCOHS provide to graduate students?

NWCOHS traineeships typically include stipend, student health insurance, tuition, and travel support. Full details of each support package are provided at the time you’re offered admission into our graduate training programs.

Are there any requirements associated with receiving NWCOHS funding?

Yes, there are a handful of additional expectations and requirements. Details available on our website:

Will I be able to work part-time while receiving NWCOHS funding?

Yes, graduate students with NWCOHS traineeships can work part-time. Trainees must notify their NWCOHS Program Director if they are or plan to engage in any outside work. Additional outside work cannot interfere with, detract from, or prolong trainee’s approved training program. For work other than UW Teaching/Research Assistantships (TA/RA), the trainee should average less than 40 hours/week over the academic quarter. If employed by the UW, 50% TA/RA appointments are considered part-time. Trainees may be paid on federal grants, including Health and Human Services (HHS) grants (e.g., NIH). However, compensation may not be paid from a grant that supports the same activity that is part of the trainee’s planned training experience, thesis, practicum, or dissertation. Any work funded by an HHS grant must be approved by the NWCOHS Center Director and NIOSH.