Our goal is to link research activities with practice in the workplace by serving safety professionals, medical care providers, agricultural producers, workers, and their families. Use this tool to explore videos, stories, training guides, infographics, fact sheets, and other resources.

FLIPP Guide to Building a First Aid Kit
This guide helps create first aid kit that suite specific needs and situations which may arise while out at sea.

Curriculum for Agriculture in the Classroom
This curriculum is designed for teens who will be working in agricultural employment settings.

¡Basta! ingrediente clave póster
Un póster para el lugar de trabajo para promover el respeto. Parte del ¡Basta! toolkit.

¡Basta! Secret ingredient poster
A worksite poster promoting respect in the workplace. Part of the ¡Basta! toolkit.

¡Basta! Respeto póster
Un póster para el lugar de trabajo para promover el respeto. Parte del ¡Basta! toolkit.

¡Basta! Respect poster
A worksite poster promoting respect in the workplace. Part of the ¡Basta! toolkit.

Fishing Hazard Sheet
This resource helps fishermen assess and control tasks with potential hazards through elimination, substitution, or use of provide personal protective equipment.

Understanding Risks for Better Training
This flier was developed to show how RISC Fishing information about common injuries helps develop better training for commercial fishermen.

Commercial Fishing Crew Member Agreement Template
Featuring a template to adapt for your use. Developed by OSU's Fishermen Lead Injury Prevention Program (FLIPP).

Commercial Fishing Crew Agreements
Sharing fishermen-led ideas for what goes into an effective crew agreement, to reduce risk and establish positive crew relationships.

¡Etiquetas de pesticidas, ahora!™/Pesticide Labels, Now!™
Esta aplicación bilingüe (versión beta) ya está disponible para productores de manzano y peral en el estado de Washington.

¡Etiquetas de pesticidas, ahora!™/Pesticide Labels, Now!™
Bilingual mobile app for apple and pear production in Washington state

Symptoms and Treatments Poster
Know the symptoms and treatment to prevent serious heat illness and death. Part of the Heat Illness Toolkit.

Risk Factors for Heat Illness Poster
Awareness of your risk factors can help prevent heat illness. Part of the Heat Illness Toolkit.

Clothing for Work in the Heat Poster
Wear light colored, lightweight clothing and a hat when working in the heat. Part of the Heat Illness Toolkit.