Our goal is to link research activities with practice in the workplace by serving safety professionals, medical care providers, agricultural producers, workers, and their families. Use this tool to explore videos, stories, training guides, infographics, fact sheets, and other resources.

Staying Hydrated at Work Poster
If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Part of the Heat Illness Toolkit.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the Heat Poster
PPE and work coveralls can be much hotter than regular work clothes. Part of the Heat Illness Toolkit.

Keeping Cool in the Home and Community Poster
Keep your family cool during hot weather. Part of the Heat Illness Toolkit.

Heat safety tool app
A useful resource for planning outdoor work activities based on how hot it feels throughout the day. From OSHA-NIOSH.

Dairy Farm Hazard Map
The dairy farm hazard map, part of the Dairy Safety Toolkit, provides a hands-on and engaging activity for workers to engage in discussion about where workplace hazards are located.

Dairy Safety Toolkit
The Dairy Safety Tool Kit (DSK) was created to increase access to dairy materials and to become a one-stop place for all your dairy safety training needs.

PNASH Center Factsheet
This resource describes the PNASH Center's collaborative research to practice approach to improving worker health and safety.

Cómo Entender Resultados de Pozo: Bacterias Coliformes
Ofrece información para entender los resultados y cómo se puede usar su agua según los niveles de concentración de bacterias coliformes.

Understanding Your Well Water Report: Total Coliform
This resource provides guidance on interpreting testing results and how your water can be safely used for based on the coliform concentration levels

Cómo Entender Resultados de Pozo: Nitrado
Ofrece información para entender los resultados y cómo se puede usar su agua de pozo según los niveles de concentración de nitrato.

Understanding Your Well Water Report: Nitrate
This resource provides guidance on interpreting testing results and how your water can be safely used for based on the nitrate concentration levels.

Es Seguro Tomar el Agua de mi Pozo?
Este foleto da una descripción de los contaminantes comunes del agua de pozo y comparte una guía sobre cómo recolectar una muestra para examinar.

Is My Well Water Safe to Drink?
This flier provides an overview of common well water contaminants and shares a step by step guide for how to collect a sample for testing.

Pozos de Agua y Necesidades Comunitarias
Este foleto comparte los resultados y recomendaciones del estudio Well Water and Family Health realizado en el Valle de Yakima.

Private Wells and Community Needs
This flier shares the findings and recommendations from the Well Water and Family Health study conducted in the Yakima Valley.