Our goal is to link research activities with practice in the workplace by serving safety professionals, medical care providers, agricultural producers, workers, and their families. Use this tool to explore videos, stories, training guides, infographics, fact sheets, and other resources.

¡Basta! Cuatro Pasos para Reportar póster
Un póster para el lugar de trabajo con pasos para tomar si experimenta acoso. Parte del ¡Basta! toolkit.

¡Basta! Four Steps to Reporting poster
A worksite poster with guidance on what to do if you experience harassment. Part of the ¡Basta! toolkit.

!Basta! !Basta! !Basta! poem
This poem, written and read by Paula Zambrano, inspired the name of the ¡Basta! toolkit.

¡Basta! Radio Novela
Desarrollado en colaboración con NCEC/Radio KDNA, esta novela ofrece educación para entender y prevenir el acoso. Parte del ¡Basta! toolkit.

¡Basta! Guia del Facilitator
La guía sobre cómo ofrecer capacitación y usar los recursos del ¡Basta! toolkit.

¡Basta! training video
A centerpiece of the ¡Basta! toolkit, this sexual harassment prevention training video was written in part by Latina farmworkers and filmed in Washington State.

Partnership for Dairy Safety and Health video
This video describes the research partnership between the PNASH Center, COHR Center, and WSU.

Ladder Injury Prevention video
This video was developed by medical and safety providers to motivate viewers to remain safe while using ladders.

Fluorescent Tracer Kit
This tool provides quick demos and hands-on activities to make pesticide applicator safety education fun and memorable - seeing is believing!

Soluciones Prácticas para Segurida con Pesticidas
Este manual de capacitación, desarrollado en colaboración con agricultores, ofrece una colección de soluciones e ideas para prevenir la contaminación por pesticidas.

Working in the Heat Novelas: Awareness, Response, and Prevention
This playlist contains six training videos for preventing heat-related illness on the farm. The videos are in Spanish with English subtitles.

Practical Solutions for Pesticide Safety guide
This training manual, developed in collaboration with farmers, educators, and researchers, provides a collection of solutions and ideas for preventing pesticide contamination.

Climate Change Lotería
This game introduces the science of climate change. Fun for all-ages and inspired by the traditional game, Lotería!