Agricultural Safety

PNASH Featured Resources

Practical Solutions for Pesticide Safety: Protecting Agricultural Pesticide Handlers

Orchard Injuries

Sexual Harassment Prevention

Heat Illness Prevention

Partnership for Dairy Safety and Health 

Pesticides and Health

Wildfire Smoke Safety

Stress and Anxiety

COVID-19 Resources

Partner Resources

AgrAbility through education and assistance, AgrAbility enhances quality of life for agricultural workers with disabilities.

Farm Safety For Just Kids offers both materials for parents and children on farm safety.

Farm Safety Links from MEDLINEplus

Farm Safety & Health Information Clearinghouse is a comprehensive site managed by the University of Minnesota.

National Agricultural Library is a prime source for world-wide access to agricultural information.

The National Agricultural Safety Database (NASD)  is an online collection of information about health, safety and injury prevention in agriculture. The site in maintained by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

The Pacific Northwest Extension Service has a number of fact sheets in their Farm Safety Series (English and Spanish)

PNASH Resources

Image of heat graphic

Heat-Related Illness: Know the Facts

This resource provides an overview of the signs and symptoms of heat illness and how they can be prevented.

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Private Wells and Community Needs

This flier shares the findings and recommendations from the Well Water and Family Health study conducted in the Yakima Valley. 

image of family

Pozos de Agua y Necesidades Comunitarias

Este foleto comparte los resultados y recomendaciones del estudio Well Water and Family Health realizado en el Valle de Yakima.

PNASH Research