Western Regional Ag Safety & Health Conference

Register. Photo of Seattle skyline.

Presentations & Program

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Schedule. Photo of Space Needle.

Program Schedule

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Speaker Profiles. Photo of Athena Ramos.

Speaker Profiles

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Abstracts. Photo of Mt.Rainier and boats.


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Western Agriculture Safety and Health Conference - Cultivating Collaborations

August 7-9, 2019
University of Washington campus, Seattle, WA

We would like to thank all participants in the 2019 Western Ag Safety and Health Conference. Our conference reached 170 attendees, and we could not have done it without you and our presenters, partners, and sponsors.

This event was a rare opportunity for those engaged in injury and illness prevention research in farming, fishing, and forestry. The western US shares a common history with these vital agricultural industries, landscapes, and communities. Likewise, we share common agricultural practices, workforces, and the means to improve conditions.

Cultivating Collaborations was co-sponsored by the five western NIOSH Agricultural Centers, the NIOSH Western States Division, and participation was invited from all partners in the implementation of science, service, and policy.


Our Theme

Cultivating Collaborations, reflects the conference goal to build collaborative relationships and foster the exchange of ideas. Attendees included academic researchers, students, and extension educators, and a broad range of research partners from community organizations, producers, health care providers, and government agencies.


See the special edition of the Journal of Agromedicine offerring editorial and scientific papers from the conference:

Special issue for the Western Ag Conference
Journal of Agromedicine, Volume 26, Issue 1 (2021)


Conference Presentations & Program

KEYNOTE - Richard Fenske, Beyond a Doubt: The critical role of science in workplace health and safety

KEYNOTE - Marc Schenker, Hired and Contract Ag Workforce - Sustainable Solutions

Image of Western Conference Flyer

Session I. Hired and contract workforces

Session II. Prevention through design in new technologies

Session III. Climate change and health impacts

Session IV. Surveillance of AgFF injury, illness and economic impacts 

Session V. Animal agriculture and the One Health approach

Session VI. Forestry safety innovations and populations

Session VII. Best practices in engagement

Session VIII. Commercial fishing and processing injury prevention



Thematic Sessions
Lightning Talks w/ viewable presentations
Poster Presentations w/ abstracts
Roundtable Discussion Topics



For questions, please email pnash@uw.edu or call (800) 330-0827.



Athena Ramos

Athena Ramos, PhD

Mental and Physical Health of Immigrant Workers in CAFOs and Field Ag

Eddie Kasner

Eddie Kasner, PhD

New Pesticide Application Technologies

Marc Schenker, MD. Photo of Marc and title of his presentation: HIred and Contract Ag Workforce, Sustainable Solutions

Marc B. Schenker, MD, MPH

Hired and Contract Ag Workforce Sustainable Solutions



Portrait of Peter Rabinowitz

Peter Rabinowitz, MD, MPH

Animal Agriculture and the One Health Approach

Portrait of Vanessa Casanova

Vanessa Casanova, PhD

Diversity within the Forestry and Logging Workforce

Richard Fenske Keynote speaker: Beyond a Doubt: The Critical Role of Science in Workplace Health and Safety

Richard Fenske, PhD

Beyond a Doubt: The Critical Role of Science in Workplace Health and Safety




We would like to thank everyone for attending the 2019 Western Ag Safety and Health Conference. Our conference reached 170 attendees, and we could not have done it without you and our presenters, partners, and sponsors. We would like to thank the following committee members and their respective organizations for their dedicated work and time commitment:

Marcy Harrington, Richard Fenske, Mike Yost
Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (host)

Ellen Duysen, Risto Rautiainen, Aaron Yoder
Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health

Cheryl Besler, David Douphrate, Steve Reynolds
High Plains Intermountain Center for Agricultural Health & Safety

Jennifer Lincoln, Steve Dearwent, Brad Husberg
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NIOSH Western States Division & NIOSH Conference Grant #U13OH011391

Amanda Wickman, Jeff Levin
Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention, and Education

Heather Riden, Marc Schenker, Kent Pinkerton
Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety

And our additional thanks to Scott Heiberger and the Journal of Agromedicine for the coming dedicated issue to the Western Ag Safety and Health Conference – Cultivating Collaborations.


Pacific Northwest Agriculture Safety and Health Center logo High Plains Intermountain Center for Ag Health and Safety Central States Center for Ag Safety and Health  Western Center for Ag Health and Safety   Southwest Center for Agricultural Health   NIOSH logo