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Real-world experiences from the OHS practice community & Mongolia

NWCOHS trainee reflects on road construction site visit

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MPH Trainee Takes a "One Health" Approach to Protecting Endangered Gorillas

Erica Grant is an Occupational Health at the Human-Animal Interface (OHHAI) Training Scholar working towards her MPH at the Center for One Health Research. Her practicum focuses on the Gorilla Conservation Employee Health Program that is run yearly by the Gorilla Doctors (aka Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project).


Workplace Violence: Shooting Survivor becomes Forgiveness Ambassador

Ten days after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks Rais Bhuiyan was shot in the face while working at his convenience store job in Dallas, Texas. In 2011 Rais launched the World Without Hate Campaign in an effort to save his shooter from death row.


#SafetyCulture: Health and Safety in the Social Media Age

Over 40 participants gathered to learned how they can leverage social media for communicating safety messages, improving safety culture, engaging with customers and employees, and building their brand around safety.


Effects of Minimum Wage Policies on the Health of Workers: ERC Student Op-Ed 2

"Low wages resulting in poor health or health behaviors can affect all occupations. Researchers in occupational health services research (OHSR) focus on bridging concepts of income inequality and worker health and health behaviors by implementing, evaluating, and disseminating policies that address both individual and population level health needs for all workers."


ERC Students Participate in Interdisciplinary Training: Policy Roundtables Op-Ed 1

During the 2016-2017 academic year, NWCOHS trainees participated in “Work & Health” policy roundtables. A student shares their thoughts after the “Effects of Minimum Wage Policies on the Health of Workers” session.


NIEHS Worker Training Program Making a Difference in Alaska

The NIEHS WTP was able to make a difference in the life of Candice Saunders, an unemployed, single mother from Allakaket, Alaska. When the community's Indian General Assistance (IGAP) Coordinator left their position, Candice had the skills to step up and save her small community.