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road construction signs

Real-world experiences from the OHS practice community & Mongolia

NWCOHS trainee reflects on road construction site visit

Latest Stories

Rick Gleason Receives UW Award of Excellence

Rick Gleason, DEOHS Lecturer and Lead Instructor for the Pacific Northwest OSHA Education Center, was awarded the University of Washington Distinguished Contributions to Lifelong Learning Award as part of the 2017 UW Awards of Excellence.


Phthalates in Your Mac and Cheese

Potentially harmful chemicals called phthalates have been banned from children's teething rings and rubber duck toys for over a decade, but have been found in high concentrations in macaroni and cheese mixes using powdered cheese. DEOHS Adjunct Professor Dr. Sheela Sathyanarayana weighs in on the issue in the NY Times.


2017 DEOHS AIHce Reception

The 2017 DEOHS Alumni, Friends, and Family reception in conjunction with AIHce was a fun night for everyone! Colleagues and alumni came together in Seattle at the beautiful Pan Pacific Hotel to celebrate DEOHS's many accomplishments and successful alumni. The evening couldn't have been a success without the wonderful event sponsors!


ERC Trainees Visit an Animal Shelter to Assess Workplace Risks

Occupational Health Nursing and Occupational Health at the Human-Animal Interface (OHHA) trainees participated in the Spring ERC training field trip this year. They visited the Seattle Animal Shelter in the Interbay area to tour the facility and discuss all of the occupational health issues that can occur in this unique setting.


The Northwest Center Participates in Region-wide Outreach

Northwest Center Continuing Education Director, Nancy Simcox, participated in several recent outreach activities. "I enjoy meeting with new health and safety professionals to exchange ideas and solicit information from those who are working to prevent injuries and illnesses in the workplace."


First Year Doctoral Student Presents at Semiahmoo 2017

Amy presented on her recent literature review that looked at the implications of low wages and limited benefits on health care and public health services.