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Real-world experiences from the OHS practice community & Mongolia

NWCOHS trainee reflects on road construction site visit

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Reducing Whole Body Vibration to Improve the Safety and Health of Bus Drivers

Northwest Center Faculty Member Peter Johnson, PhD, MS focuses his research on ergonomics, bioengineering, whole body vibration, computer-related disorders, and developing hardware and software technologies for assessing exposures to physical risk factors.


Leadership in Health and Safety: ERC Students Learn from Industry Professionals

In a recent course put on by the NWC, 45 participants spent the day learning about new leadership skills, evaluating their own leadership styles, and applying it all to improving workplace health and safety.


Investing in Those Most at Risk: The PACE Program

PACE is the first pre-apprenticeship program nationally to be sponsored by a building and construction trades council. The program provides trades-related job skills toward a construction industry apprentice, which is an on-the-job training for novices under an experienced practitioner.


NWC Graduate Pursues First-of-its-kind Research on Health Risks among Marijuana Production Workers

"How did I get into marijuana research?", asks Max Chmielinski, a Northwest Center Exposure Sciences and Industrial Hygiene MS graduate who is now pursuing a PhD, "This is a story of being the lowest ranking employee."


Northwest Center Trainee is Studying the Occupational Health of Ugandan Livestock Farmers

Julianne Meisner is a veterinarian getting her MPH as a NWC Trainee. Her practicum rotation has her looking at the occupational health of livestock farmers in Uganda.


Funding Available for Students through the Professional Training Opportunities Program

The University of Washington's Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety has new grant funding available for students in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska through the Professional Training Opportunities Program (PTOP).