Environmental and Occupational Health Seminar

ENV H 580

PLEASE NOTE: That all Spring quarter 2025 seminars will be held in-person in Hans Rosling Center for Population Health room 155.  We will still meet in HRC 155, even for guest speakers presenting via Zoom.  

For those not enrolled in ENVH 580, we welcome you to join us in-person, but you may also join us via Zoom by registering below. 

Zoom registration link for all sessions (one time registration for all sessions)

All sessions take place on Thursdays, from 12:30 to 1:20 pm 

The Environmental and Occupational Health Seminar (Env H 580) is a department-sponsored seminar series for students, staff and faculty; practicing professionals in the environmental and occupational health fields; and the public. This seminar highlights the rich diversity of our department and is an opportunity to hear from locally, nationally and internationally known scientists, practitioners and policymakers on issues of current scientific importance.

Please see the DEOHS calendar for details on upcoming sessions.



Previously recorded sessions

10/17 - "Supporting Climate Resilience and Environmental Justice in Spokane" - Brian Henning

10/24 - "Tales of Environmental Mixtures: Exposure Pattern Recognition" - Marianthi-Anna Kioumourtzoglou

10/31 - "Hazardous Waste Management Program: Evaluating Metal Cookware as Global Source of Lead Exposure" - Katie Fellows

11/7 - "Advancing Worker Health Through Policy" - Maggie Leland

11/21 - "Results from the PAASIM Study - a matched control trial of the effects of urban water supply improvements on infant enteric pathogen infection, gut microbiome and household water quality in Mozambique" - Karen Levy

12/5 "Exploring the gut-liver-brain axis for precision environmental health" - Julia Cui


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