Quarterly Schedules
WIN25 Visual Schedule | Spring 2025
What is Environmental Public Health? Try one of our intro courses

Exploring Environment & Health Connections (ENV H 111)
How does our environment impact our health? Learn about environmental justice, worker safety, chemical hazards, disasters and climate change, and more.

Environmental Health in Media (ENV H 205)
Explore environmental factors that affect human health through popular films, including Contagion, WALL-E and Dark Waters.

Introduction to Environmental Health (ENV H 311) AUT and SPR
Learn how air pollution, contaminants in food and water and other hazards can be controlled or prevented to improve health in communities and workplaces.
Course Offerings
Syllabi posted on this page are for general information purposes only. Information is subject to change. Because the instructor, course content, and course schedule may change, always refer to the course syllabus distributed in class, university course catalog and time schedule for official information regarding current course offerings.
- ENV H 105 Toxic Tales (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 111 Exploring Environmental & Health Connections (AUT, WIN, SPR - online section)
course description • In Person syllabus Online syllabus - ENV H 205 Environmental Health in Media (AUT, WIN, SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 220 Global Environmental Change and Public Health (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 305 Environmental Poisons and Public Health (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 306 Health and Sustainability (AUT)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 310 Green Chemicals, Green Products, Green Processes: Crafting a Less Toxic World - No future offerings currently planned
course description • syllabus - ENV H 311 Introduction to Environmental Health (AUT, SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 320 Technical Writing in Environmental Health (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 405 Toxic Chemicals and Human Health (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 406 / 506 Disasters and Public Health (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 409 / 509 Microbiome and Environmental Health (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 417 Case Studies in Children's Environmental Health Disparities (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 418 / 518 Understanding and Managing the Health Risks of Climate Change (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 426 / 526 Leadership in Public Health I (AUT)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 427 / 527 Leadership in Public Health II (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 428 / 528 Leadership in Public Health III (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 432 Chemical Sampling & Analysis (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 433 Microbiological Sampling & Analysis (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 439 / 539 One Health: Human and Animal Health in a Changing Environment (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 440 / 540 Water, Wastewater and Health (AUT)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 441 / 541 Food Protection (AUT)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 442 Zoonotic Diseases and Their Control (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 443 Housing and Health (last offered 2021)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 444 / 544 Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria and Genes (AUT) --
course description • syllabus - ENV H 445 Solid Waste Management (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 446 Hazardous Waste and Public Health (last offered 2020)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 447 / 547 Environmental Change and Infectious Disease (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 448 / 548 Community Air Pollution (WIN) -- Offered parallel with ENV H 548
course description • syllabus - ENV H 451 / 551 Ecology of Environmentally Transmitted Microbiological Hazards (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 452 / 552 Detection and Control of Environmentally Transmitted Microbiological Hazards (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 453 Industrial Hygiene (AUT)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 460 / 560 Occupational Safety Management (WIN) offered jointly with NSG 506
course description • syllabus - ENV H 461 Air Pollution Control (SPR) -- Offered jointly with CEE 490
course description • syllabus - ENV H 462 / 562 Technical Aspects of Occupational Safety (SPR) --
course description • syllabus - ENV H 465 / 565 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Public Health (AUT)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 472 Environmental Risk and Society (AUT)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 473 Environmental Health Policy and Practice (WIN) - Offered in parallel with ENV H 584
course description • syllabus - ENV H 475 / 575 Environmental Justice and Population Health (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 478 / 578 Remote Sensing for Environmental Health (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 479 / 579 Climate Change and Public Health Practice (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 480 Undergraduate Seminar (AUT)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 482 Environmental Health Internship (ALL)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 490 Selected Topics in Environmental Health
course description • Pilot course designation. Topics vary. - ENV H 497 Environmental Health Special Elective (Varies)
course description • Syllabi vary, check time schedule for current offering - ENV H 499 Undergraduate Research (ALL)
course description - ENV H 501 Foundations of Environmental Health (AUT)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 502 Assessing and Managing Risks from Human Exposures to Environmental Contaminants (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 503 Adverse Health Effects of Environmental and Occupational Toxicants (AUT)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 504 Advanced Environmental Health Sciences Proposal Preparation (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 512 Environmental & Occupational Health for Public Health Practitioners (WIN) -- for Online MPH students only
course description • syllabus - ENV H 513 Basic Concepts in Pharmacogenetics and Toxicogenomics (WIN) -- Offered jointly with PGH 513
course description • syllabus - ENV H 515 Organ System Toxicology (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 516 Toxic Agents: Effects and Mechanisms (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 521 Effective Communication Strategies for Environmental Public Health Professionals -- No future offerings currently planned
course description • syllabus - ENV H 531 Neurotoxicology (WIN, Even Years)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 532 Reproductive & Developmental Toxicology (WIN, Odd Years)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 534 Biochemical Toxicology of the Puget Sound -- No future offerings currently planned
course description • syllabus - ENV H 536 Health Impact Assessment (SPR) -- Offered jointly with URBDP 536
course description • syllabus - ENV H 537 Research Integrity in the Data Sciences (SPR, Even Years) -- Offered jointly with BIOST 532
course description • syllabus - ENV H 538 Public Health and the Built Environment (WIN) -- Offered jointly with URBDP 538
course description • syllabus - ENV H 543 Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 549 Human Factors in Engineering Design (AUT) -- Offered jointly with IND E 549 & IND E 351
course description • syllabus - ENV H 550 Occupational and Environmental Disease (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 553 Environmental Exposure Monitoring Methods (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 555 Instrumental Methods for Industrial Hygiene Measurement (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 556 Quantitative Exposure Assessment (AUT)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 557 Exposure Controls (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 559 Applied Occupational Health and Safety (SPR) -- Offered jointly with IND E 567 & NSG 505. No future offerings currently planned.
course description • syllabus - ENV H 563 Health and Safety of Physical Agents (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 564 Recognition of Health and Safety Problems in Industry (AUT) -- Offered jointly with IND E 564
course description • syllabus - ENV H 566 Introduction to Ergonomics -- Offered jointly with IND E 566 & NSG 508. No future offerings currently planned.
course description • syllabus - ENV H 570 Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology (SPR) -- Offered jointly with EPI 570
course description • syllabus - ENV H 571 Neuroepidemiology and Environmental Risk Factors (WIN) -- Offered jointly with EPI 571
course description • syllabus - ENV H 573 Methods and Issues in Using Biological Measurements in Epidemiologic Research (AUT) -- Offered jointly with EPI 573
course description • syllabus - ENV H 577 Risk Assessment for Environmental Health Hazards (AUT) -- Offered jointly with CEE 560 & PB AF 589
course description • syllabus - ENV H 580 Environmental Health Seminar (AUT, WIN, SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 583 Thesis Research Proposal Preparation (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 584 Environmental Health Policy and Practice (WIN) -- Offered in parallel with ENV H 473
course description • syllabus - ENV H 586 Current Issues in Occupational Health at the Human Animal Interface (SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 590 Selected Topics in Environmental Health
course description • Pilot course designation. Topics vary. - ENV H 591 Current Topics in Toxicology (WIN)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 593 Current Topics in Risk Assessment (AUT, SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 595 Research Rotation (All)
course description - ENV H 596 Current Issues in Occupational and Environmental Medicine (SPR, SUM)
course description • syllabus, section A • syllabus, section B - ENV H 597 Case Studies in Environmental and Occupational Health (AUT, WIN, SPR)
course description • syllabus - ENV H 598 A Degree Program Project/Portfolio -- MS-AT Students (All)
course description - ENV H 598 B Degree Program Project/Portfolio -- MS-AOHy Students (All)
course description - ENV H 599 B Field Studies -- MPH-OEM Clinic (All)
course description - ENV H 599 C Field Studies -- MS-AOHy Internship (All)
course description - ENV H 599 D Field Studies -- MPH-EOH Practicum (All)
course description - ENV H 600 Independent Study or Research (All)
course description - ENV H 700 Master's Thesis (All)
course description - ENV H 800 Doctoral Dissertation (All)
course description