Support DEOHS students, our future public health leaders
Make your gift online through the University of Washington's secure server or call toll-free 877-UW-GIFTS (877-894-4387) and specify the fund you wish to support. Or send a check payable to the University of Washington Foundation, with a note indicating the fund you wish to support.
Mail payments to:
SPH Development Office
Box 357230
Seattle, WA 98195-7230
For more information about giving options, contact the UW School of Public Health Advancement team at (206) 543-1067 or email sphadv@uw.edu.
Ways to give
Environmental Health Student Support Fund
Supports research activities by DEOHS graduate students.
Environmental Health Excellence Fund
Supports educational activities, consultations and lectureships by eminent visiting scientists.
Fund for Excellence in Environmental Graduate Research
Support for DEOHS graduate student research costs. May also include support for student travel, food and seminar costs.
Rick Gleason Endowed Program Support Fund
With the endowment, the department is able to use the earned interest year after year to support students.
Jack Hatlen Scholarship Fund
Established in honor of Associate Professor Emeritus Jack Hatlen, who led the DEOHS undergraduate program for nearly 40 years.
Murphy Memorial Fund
Graduate student scholarship named in memory of Sheldon T. Murphy, former DEOHS chair and professor.
Friends of Sean Quigley Toxicology Endowed Fund
Provides financial support to students working on their Master of Science in Environmental Toxicology.
Construction Industrial Hygiene Support Fund
Support for research and student projects in the field of construction industrial hygiene.
Peter A. Breysse Memorial Lectureship Fund
In memory of Peter Breysse, one of the founding faculty members in DEOHS. This endowed lectureship honors and recognizes his dedication to public health and enables the department to recruit speakers to share new ideas that inspire faculty, staff and students to make a difference. Read more about the Lectureship Fund.
The Dr. Stanley M. Pier Environmental Health Endowment for the University of Washington Libraries
H. David Kaplan established this endowment in memory of Stanley M. Pier, his partner of 47 years. Stanley Pier spent his professional career in the field of occupational health and environmental sciences in both corporate and academic settings. The endowment will support the Health Sciences Library Environmental Health Collections and related activities.