Here you can:
Discover the links
between the health
of people, animals
and the environments
we share.
Harness your passion for improving public health.
At DEOHS, you can:
Evaluate and improve safety practices to protect the health of veterinary workers (the PhD dissertation of Heather Fowler, pictured above)
Investigate how antibiotic-resistant E. coli is ending up in the waste of river otters and other marine mammals.
Collaborate with international partners to detect viruses that can be transmitted from animals to humans.
Why study One Health?
One Health is a transdisciplinary approach to health issues affecting humans, animals and the rapidly changing environments we share. One Health specialists look at a range of issues—from emerging zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance to climate change and food production—through the lens of creating a healthy coexistence between humans and animals in sustainable ecosystems.
Our UW Center for One Health Research, part of DEOHS, offers traineeships for the Occupational Health at the Human-Animal Interface training program, funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
As a student in One Health, you will:
- Choose to earn your MS, MS-Applied or PhD degree.
- Take common core courses introducing foundational concepts and skills, including: risk assessment, management and communication; assessment and management of exposures to environmental hazards; core principles of toxicology; and how to use a One Health approach to address complex challenges.
- Learn about the linkages among human, animal and environmental health; how climate change is impacting those connections; and the unique occupational health risks faced by workers who come in contact with animals. You will also choose additional courses on topics that align with your interests, such as antibiotic-resistant bacteria and genes, the microbiome and recognition and control of health and safety hazards in industrial settings.
- Complete a culminating experience (thesis or dissertation) showcasing your ability to integrate the skills you have learned to address an environmental or occupational health problem.
When I was researching graduate schools, the One Health program at UW stood out to me. I’ve been impressed with the support I receive from my mentors and the availability of research funding.
Madeline Benoit,
MPH, One Health
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One Health: Student research projects
Jose Carmona
The healthy dairy worker study: A longitudinal cohort study of dairy workers’ respiratory health
MPH | Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH)
2019 | Peter Rabinowitz
Teresa Schlanser
Compassion fatigue in lab animal medicine
MPH | One Health (ONE)
2020 | Peter Rabinowitz
Our faculty and research
Our study looking into whether pets can get COVID-19 aims to help people with good preventive practices to avoid transmission between people and animals.
Dr. Peter Rabinowitz,
DEOHS Professor and Director, UW Center for One Health Research
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Research spotlight

Stopping animal-to-human disease transmission
DEOHS Professor Elaine Faustman will lead risk analysis and communication for new $100 million USAID initiative
Antibiotic resistance in orcas
Killer whales can carry antibiotic-resistant strains of E. coli, according to new UW research. Is that contributing to the decline of this endangered species?
Caring for the animal caretakers
New clinic led by DEOHS, UW Medicine focuses on animal worker health and safety
LEARN MORECareer pathways
Our One Health graduates pursue careers in environmental health practice, agricultural safety, health care settings, wildlife health, climate change, academic research or consulting. Recent DEOHS graduates work as:
- Field Researcher with the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology.
- Director, Producer and Public Health at National Pork Board.
- Research Analyst at the University of Washington.

Alumni profile
The One Health focus in DEOHS allowed me to customize my experience by focusing on animal and human health in the context of disaster preparedness.
Brianna Willis,
Senior Research Specialist in the Safety and Security division of CNA,
a nonprofit research and analysis organization.
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