Degree Requirements

Upon completion of the B.S. in Environmental Public Health, all graduates will be able to demonstrate the competencies detailed on the B.S. in EH Degree Competencies document (PDF).

The following is a list of courses required for the completion of the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Public Health. All courses must be completed with a minimum grade of 2.0. Prospective students should consult the applying to the major page for information on the admission process. In addition to the School of Public Health’s general education requirements, students complete the courses listed below.

Supporting Science

One of the following courses
MATH 111, MATH 120, or department approved math course (5 credits). This course is a graduation requirement, but we recommend that students complete the math requirement before they register for the other supporting science courses. The recommended preparation for PHYS 114 is a previous algebra course covering concepts such as trigonometry and exponential functions. The recommended preparation for CHEM 142 is a good working knowledge of algebra.

BIOL 180, 200, 220 (15 credits)

PHYS 114/117 (5 credits)

One of the following general and organic chemistry sequences:
CHEM 142, 152, CHEM 220 (15 credits)
CHEM 142, 152, CHEM 223, 224, 241 (21 credits)
CHEM 142, 152, 162, CHEM 237, 238, 241 (26 credits)

One of the following courses
BIOST 310 (Recommended), STAT 220, STAT 311, or Q SCI 381, or department approved statistics course (4-5 credits)


Environmental Public Health Core, complete all courses

ENV H 311 (3) Introduction to Environmental Health (AUT and SPR)
ENV H 320 (5) Introduction to Technical Communication in Environmental Health (WIN)
ENV H 405 (4) Toxic Chemicals & Human Health (SPR)
ENV H 432 (5) Chemical Sampling and Analysis (SPR)
ENV H 433 (5) Microbiological Sampling and Analysis (WIN)
ENV H 472 (3) Environmental Risk and Society (AUT)
ENV H 473 (4) Environmental Health Policy and Practice (WIN)
ENV H 480 (1) Undergraduate Seminar (AUT)
ENV H 482 (2-15) Environmental Health Internship (400 hour required internship)
EPI 320 (4) Introduction to Epidemiology (AUT and SPR)
MICROM 301 (3) General Microbiology (AUT and SPR)
MICROM 302 (2) General Microbiology Lab (AUT and SPR)

Environmental Public Health Selectiveschoose a minimum of 4 of the following courses. Syllabi for all classes below are on the courses page.

ENV H 306 (3) Health and Sustainability
ENV H 406 (3) Disasters and Public Health
ENV H 409 (3) Microbiome and Environmental Health
ENV H 417 (3) Case Studies in Children's Environmental Health Disparities (also fulfills Diversity Requirement)
G H 418/ENV H 418 (3) Understanding and Managing the Health Risks of Climate Change
ENV H 439 (3) One Health: Human and Animal Health in a Changing Environment
ENV H 440 (3) Water, Wastewater and Health
ENV H 441 (3) Food Protection
ENV H 442 (3) Zoonotic Diseases
ENV H 443 (3) Housing and Health
ENV H 444 (4) Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria/Genes Impact on the Environment and Public Health
ENV H 445 (3) Solid Waste Management
ENV H 447 (3) Environmental Change and Infectious Disease
ENV H 448 (3) Community Air Pollution
ENV H 451 (3) Ecology of Environmentally Transmitted Microbiological Hazards
ENV H 452 (3) Detection and Control of Environmentally Transmitted Microbiological Hazards
ENV H 453 (3) Industrial Hygiene
ENV H 460 (3) Occupational Safety Management
ENV H 462 (3) Technical Aspects of Occupational Safety
ENV H 465 (3) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Public Health
ENV H 475 (3) Environmental Justice and Public Health
ENV H 479 (3) Climate Change and Public Health Practice
ENV H 538 (2) Public Health & the Built Environment (need instructor permission)

Environmental Public Health Electives

15 Credits from approved elective list. Run a degree audit or contact an adviser to view the full list. 

Information on this page reflects our updated requirements and degree name as of Fall 2023. If you are currently in the undergraduate program and have questions, please reach out to an adviser.