King County COVID-19 Community Study (KC3S)

picture of virus over person outlines

Contribute to a research study on COVID-19’s impact on individuals, families and communities in Seattle and King County

About KC3S

The King County COVID-19 Community Study is collecting information and stories about how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting individuals, families and communities within King County. We are also interested in learning more about how King County residents, families and communities are adapting to and coping with these impacts. 

How to participate

Participate Now
By clicking on the link above and answering the survey questions, you consent to participate in this research study.

Click here for the Spanish version

You can participate in this research study by clicking on the "Participate now" link to complete a short online survey. The survey will include questions about yourself, your household, your well-being, your experience with COVID-19, your concerns about COVID-19 and actions you’ve taken in response to COVID-19.  

As part of the survey, you will be asked to provide a free-form narrative description of your personal experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your response can be as short as a sentence or as long as a page. We will also ask if you are willing to participate in future COVID-19 research studies. If so, you will be asked to provide your email address.

Your participation is completely voluntary. You may discontinue the survey at any time without any adverse consequences.

Currently, you can participate in this study in English. We hope to introduce additional languages if and when we have resources to do so. 

The survey is currently open through May 5, 2020.

Risks and benefits to participation

There are minimal risks to participating in this study. You may experience stress or discomfort while recalling your experience with COVID-19. 

Your responses to the questions will be kept confidential and data you provide will be anonymized. While we discourage provision of any identifiable information in your free-form response, it is possible that the information that you provide may be able to identify you.

We cannot offer any compensation for participation, and there are no direct benefits to participation. However, it is possible that findings from this study can be used to inform ongoing response activities or future pandemic preparedness. 

Data that has been de-identified may be placed in a data repository for use in future research or to answer alternative research questions. Any data that is shared in such a repository or with other researchers will be anonymous.


If you have any questions about KC3S, please contact Dr. Nicole Errett at

For more information about COVID-19 and steps you can take to protect your health and your community's health, please visit: