Stay heat safe

| Jolayne Houtz
Photo by Richard Thornton via shutterstock

Photo by Richard Thornton via shutterstock

Hot tips from DEOHS to help outdoor workers stay healthy as temperatures rise

What’s the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke?

What’s the "half-half" rule for staying hydrated?

Which two common medical conditions put you at greater risk for heat illness?

With our Pacific Northwest summer now in full sizzle, people who work outdoors should take extra precautions to keep themselves safe in the heat.

If you or someone you know works in construction, agriculture, landscaping or other outdoor jobs, visit our heat illness prevention page for tips on working safely in hot weather.

The information, available in English and Spanish, comes from the Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (PNASH), part of the UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences. PNASH aims to prevent occupational injury and illness and promote health and safety practices in agriculture throughout the Pacific Northwest.

Answers to the questions above:

  • Heat exhaustion is a serious medical condition caused by severe dehydration. Heat stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when body temperature reaches 104 degrees F or higher. 
  • The half-half rule for people working in the heat is to drink ½ liter of water every ½ hour. 
  • Diabetes and heart disease raise your risk for heat illness.



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